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Hemlig rapport kan fälla Tele2

En ny hemlig rapport varnar för att Tele2 samarbetar med korrupta personer i Kazakstan. Redan i december kan telefonoperatören tvingas betala miljardbelopp till en kvinna som anklagats för att vara en front för den kazakiska regimen.

När Telia Soneras ägare i våras valde att inte bevilja den tidigare vd:n Lars Nyberg ansvarsfrihet var det framför allt med hänvisning till bolagets verksamhet i Kazakstan – och framför allt affärerna med Aigul Nurieva, en 39-årig kvinna som har anklagats för att vara en förvaltare av den kazakiska regimens förmögenhet.

Men Telia är inte det enda svenska telekombolaget som har haft affärer med Nurieva. En hemligstämplad rapport som SvD Näringsliv har tagit del av visar att Tele2:s samarbete med henne än djupare än Telias. Rapporten, som är beställd av en av Tele2:s ägare, visar också på flera varningsflaggor för korruption inom Tele2:s kazakiska verksamhet….

Peter Alestig, SvD

The article focuses on Tele2’s operations in Kazakhstan and refers to
a “secret report”. The paper says the report suggests that – although
there is no proof of any illegal activities pertaining to corruption
– there is reason to raise warning flags.

Mats Granryd, CEO and president of Tele2 AB, comments:” The article
raises several important issues that we take very seriously. However,
it does not present any new information that we have not already
investigated. Tele2 is well-familiar with the business environment in
Kazakhstan and before entering this market we performed due diligence
whereby we checked relevant risks, partners, payments, vendor and the
political climate. Based on this process and the ethical principles
laid down in our Code of Business Conduct, there was nothing that
gave us reason to refrain from entering into the Kazakh market and
into an agreement with Asianet. However, as part of our strong risk
management procedures, we are constantly reviewing the situation and
continuously improving how we operate in the market.”

On Ms. Aigul Nuriyeva, Tele2 is aware of the rumours concerning her
ownership of Asianet. Both third parties and Tele2 have assessed the
matter and we feel confident that she is the registered owner of that

Tele2 is a value-driven company with zero tolerance for corruption and
fraud. The company will continue assessing its investments,
operations and partnerships in Kazakhstan and provide additional
information about its operations in the country on Should
Tele2 receive any new information that suggest irregularities these
will be addressed.

For further information, contact:
Lars Torstensson, EVP Communication and Strategy, Telephone: +46 702
73 48 79

customers in 9 countries. Tele2 offers mobile services, fixed
broadband and telephony, data network services and content services.
Ever since Jan Stenbeck founded the company in 1993, it has been a
tough challenger to the former government monopolies and other
established providers. Tele2 has been listed on the NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm since 1996. In 2013, we had net sales of SEK 30 billion and
reported an operating profit (EBITDA) of SEK 6 billion.

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