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Yelge Qaitaru Foundation:KazMunayGaz and its owner, the National Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna, hid the information

As it became known from publicly available sources on the Internet, according to a press release dated June 10, 2011, the national company KazMunayGaz completed the acquisition of a 100% stake in the authorized capital of Aktaunefteservis LLP.

Aktaunefteservis LLP was mainly engaged in the provision of oilfield services to JSC Mangistaumunaigas (more than 90% of the volume). 50% of the shares of JSC Mangistaumunaigaz belong to KazMunayGas.

The direct buyer of Aktaunefteservis LLP was Cooperative KMG PKI UA, a 100% subsidiary of NC KazMunayGas. The deal was valued at $334 million.

Aktaunefteservis LLP is a holding type organization that owns a 100% stake in the following legal entities:

– OilServiceCompany LLP (well drilling, overhaul and underground well workover, chemicalization of oil production processes, etc., the number of employees is about 3,300 people);

– OilConstructionCompany LLP (construction and installation works, construction of industrial facilities, power lines, roads; installation and dismantling of drilling equipment, the number of employees is about 2100 people);

– OilTransportCorporation LLP (technological transport at the Mangistaumunaigaz fields, delivery of goods and transportation of workers, the number of employees is about 2600 people);

– Mangistauenergomunai LLP (operation and maintenance of electrical equipment “Mangistaumunaigaz”, the number of employees is about 700 people);

– Munaitelecom LLP (telecommunications at the fields Mangistaumunaigaz, the number of employees is about 700 people).

However, the national company KazMunayGaz and its owner, the National Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna, hid the information that the ultimate beneficiary of the Aktaunefteservis group of companies purchased by KazMunayGas, also included the chairman of the board of the National Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna Timur Kulibayev.

All these subsidiaries of Aktaunefteservis LLP became the property of Timur Kulibayev after he acquired JSC Mangistaumunaigas from its former owners, including Rashid Sarsenov.

This process was completed in November 2009. Then 100% of the shares of JSC Mangistaumunaigaz were sold to a joint venture of KazMunayGaz and Chinese CNPC.

Oil refining assets, including the Pavlodar petrochemical plant, and auxiliary assets, including Aktaunefteservis LLP, became the property of Timur Kulibayev. This is evidenced by the so-called agreement on restructuring the assets of Central Asia Petroleum Limited, which was the sole shareholder of JSC Mangistaumunaigaz, dated August 24, 2008. It was prepared by the people of Timur Kulibaev – Zhitendra Gupta and Maria Sozinova. This document lists all assets acquired subsequently, in June 2011, for $334 million by the national company KazMunayGaz.

Please note that in 2004-2007 the same group of persons sold to itself as non-core assets all service enterprises owned by the national company KazMunayGaz for next to nothing.

Only for the company KazStroyService, acquired by Kulibayev T.A. through front structures for only 10 million US dollars, the damage to the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to at least $1 billion. This assessment was made on the basis of a transaction made shortly after the acquisition of KazStroyService by Timur Kulibayev. A block of 7.5% of the shares of KazStroyService was sold to Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs for $75 million, based on the estimated market value of the KazStroyService company of $1 billion.

We ask you to check these facts and, if these circumstances are confirmed, take measures to bring the perpetrators to justice and compensate for the damage caused to the state.

Your response will be communicated to the public and mass media.

Best reagrds,

Bulat Abilov

Urazaly Yerzhanov


Mr. Abilov B.M.

Mr. Yerzhanov U.S.

Yelge Qaitaru Foundation, 42V Ivanilov street, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Mr. Asylov B.N, Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Mr. Akhmetzhanov M.M., Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Mr. Bektenov O.A., Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating corruption

Mr. Elimanov Zh.K, Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on financial monitoring

July 27,2022

Original link to claims on website, Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan