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1. 2020.12.27. The Telegram channel “Access to the Sea” writes in detail about the children of an influential member of the ” Shaprashta clan ” and chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Mami. Earlier, we wrote in detail that the main holders of Mami’s assets are his son and second daughter, who live in London and, in fact, provide legalization of money obtained by criminal means.
2. 12.25.2020. The link between Constitutional Council Chairman Kairat Mami and real estate in London is indirect. The son of the country’s main lawyer, Miras Mami, tried to do business, not only in flourishing Kazakhstan, where dad instilled respect for the law, but abroad. The address of the apartment on the cozy Brompton Place Mami Jr. indicated for the registration of his companies. They were later closed. The nominal owner of the apartment is a modest resident of Mamyr-4 (for those who do not know – until recently it was the outskirts: even the prostitutes stood closer to the center) Aigul Saymasaeva. She owns a quarter in a large Kazakhstani real estate company – the joint-stock real estate investment fund “Alba”
3. 2021.11.24. The Anti-Corruption Agency charged Zhumagaliyev with embezzlement of huge funds from the budget – it was at least $ 2 billion , which he had mastered over 15 years of work as a curator of informatization and digitalization, and the chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Alik Shpekbaev, even insisted on arrest Zhumagaliev. Zhumagaliev’s father-in-law , Kairat Mami, intervened in the situation , and personally disturbed Elbasy on this issue during his vacation in Turkey.
4. 2020.10.13. The southern clan nearly disintegrated; its influential representatives remain: akim of the Turkestan region Umirzak Shukeyev, chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Mami , chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency Alik Shpekbaev, Kanat Saudabayev ( known as “Tsirkach” ), former chairman of the Customs Control Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kozy-Korpesh Karbuzov.
5. 2020.10.01. Kairat Mami, in addition to his official post, is unofficially considered one of the key curators of Kazakhstan’s law enforcement agencies. Before joining the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mami , as chairman of the Supreme Court and Prosecutor General, became one of the richest people in the country, while not officially appearing in Kazakhstan’s Forbes. The main holders of Mami’s assets are his son and second daughter, who live in London and, in fact, provide money laundering. So, Elvira Mami was educated at Henley Business School in London (the cost of training ranges from 19,800 pounds sterling up to £ 32,500 per year), while becoming both a Bachelor of Economics and a Master in Management. He is the director of two London-based companies at once : Greenvits Ltd. (related to food production) and Cognita House Limited (main activity is management and education consulting). In turn, Miras Mami graduated from the oldest university in London – University College London (tuition costs up to £ 20,000 per year) and Harvard Business School in the USA (a year of study will cost USD 78,000 ). Currently Miras Mami works in the London office of a financial and analytical company – provides services in the field of international protection and management of financial assets of Hermes Management Ltd. For some time, Miras Mami was a director of two companies in London: Adal Capital Limited., And Adal Capital Management LLP , in the UK business register Miras Mami recorded an elite 100-meter apartment in the Chelsea area; apparently they were empty for a while and were leased for £ 1,500 a week. It is known that the eldest daughter – Ainur Mami, who will move to Europe after her husband Askar Zhumagaliev , also received her education outside of Kazakhstan: she graduated from The Diplomatic Academy of London (DAL). The children of Kairat Mami maintain friendly relations with the son of Dariga Nazarbayeva , Nurali Aliyev , who also lives in London , who has a “Tier 1 visa” (UK investment visa), whose name sounds in connection with the scandalous Astana LRT project .
6. 2020.09.14. Strong political support for Zhumagaliev , a graduate of a military university in Russian Ryazan, who trained specialists in radio electronics, and not in the field of high technologies, was provided, as we wrote earlier , by his father-in-law, an influential member of the “ Shaprashta clan ” and chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Mami. Rumor-makers say that Zhumagaliev, as an official, led a luxurious lifestyle and is known in the government quarter as an avid golfer and lover of haute cuisine and fashion, a regular visitor of the world’s leading health centers.
7. 2020.03.14. Tlektes Barpibaev, a member of the ” Shaprashta clan ” and chairman of the court of the city of Nur-Sultan, who is in quarantine due to coronavirus infection, is a prominent representative of what is commonly called the “judicial mafia.” He is capable of organizing the correct consideration of the case in most courts of Kazakhstan with one call: they say that Judge Batyrbek Kudabayev could not do without such a call to the court of Kostanay during the sentencing to the latifundist Vasily Rozinov, which is no coincidence – Barpibaev is especially close to Elbasy’s nephew Akhmetzhan Yesimov. Barpibayev’s influence is also explained by the fact that he is considered a creature and a confidant of the chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kairat Mami, and in tandem with Meyrambek Timemerdenov, chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, nicknamed Timer, accumulates all the “black cash” of the judicial mafia Kazakhstan – all secret financial transactions are closed on them; as a result, Barpibaev is a multibillionaire, which, in fact, allows him to travel around the world in a private jet. Timerdenov is a rather scandalous character, for example, in 2008, as the chairman of the Almaty regional court, he “ put his own order», Carrying out illegal actions both against fellow judges and against prosecutors. A separate scandal was the revelation of Kulpash Utemisova, who was considering the case of Alexander Sutyaginsky (the initial sentence was 12 years in prison for attempted contract murder her partner Mikhail Garkushkin), later Utemisova replaced Sutyaginsky’s real term with a suspended one, after which he fled to Russia, and the judge herself ended up in the dock. Utemisova said right then that Timerdenov had never been guided by the letter of the law in his work. So, he first put pressure on Utemisova for two months, expressed in an illegal demand to leave the verdict of the first instance court unchanged (12 years in prison), and then, for reasons unknown to her, on the contrary, demanded that Sutyaginsky be acquitted. Barpibaev is also connected with openly criminal circles: while still the chairman of the South Kazakhstan Regional Court, he became a close friend of Mekhti Mamedov ( crime boss, an Azerbaijani by birth, but a citizen of Kazakhstan, who controls the transit of Afghan drugs to Russia). It is believed that in addition to Barpibayev, Mamedov corrupted a member of the “ team of security officials Kairat Kozhamzharov ”Maksat Duisenov, when he was the head of the Department for Combating Economic and Corruption Crimes in Almaty and his then deputy Yerzhan Ibraimov (now Ibraimov is the first deputy prosecutor of the East Kazakhstan region). # they will write that the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan is aware that the whole family (in addition to his wife, Barpibaev has a tokal and the youngest son from her) is affected by a coronavirus infection. Now there is a search for everyone with whom the judge’s relatives could contact, because there is information that the second wife (tokal) Barpibaeva arrived in Kazakhstan from Germany with another business jet, who escaped hospitalization and quarantine and also subsequently turned out to be a carrier of the coronavirus ( / 523 ).
8. 2020.03.20. # they will write that the proceedings regarding the chairman of the court of the city of Nur-Sultan Tlektes Barpibayev, who used the Bombardier Challenger 850 business jet (tail number M-TAKE) belonging to Bakharidin Ablazimov for personal purposes, was transferred to the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan, where the ethics commission will deal with it. Despite the fact that a member of the “judicial mafia” Barpibaev and his family, including his second wife (tokal) regularly use a private jet for flights to Europe, this time it came to the attention of the public only because of the coronavirus infection found in the judge : anti-corruption service Alik Shpekbayeva remained on the sidelines and does not want to get involved in the case, having established onlythat the business jet was chartered by a businessman and a relative of a judge. The KNB also remains indifferent.
Such a reaction of the anti-corruption service looks very strange, because yesterday they detained the akim of the Kyzylorda region Kuanyshbek Iskakov, his deputy and a relative, in connection with the theft of 80 million tenge (which is enough for only 3 flights with a Bombardier Challenger 850 business jet en route Nur-Sultan – Berlin). However, there is a logical explanation for this: Barpibaev, as a creature and confidant of the chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kairat Mami, is his “ wallet»And, traveling in Europe, does not manage his own money; In addition, it was Barpibayev who recommended Mami as his successor. The Chairman of the Supreme Court, Zhakip Asanov, faces a dilemma: to punish and fire, which means eliminate the personnel threat – Barpibayev, or to play into the interests of the judge’s patrons
9. 2011.04.19. The judiciary was created by none other than the newly elected Speaker of the Senate, Kairat Mami. While working as a member of the Supreme Court, he was caught on a bribe, but with the help of his fellow countryman and relative Nurtai Abykayev, he was removed from the criminal investigation and landed not on prison bunks, but in the chair of the deputy minister of justice. It was at the end of the last century. After serving no more than two years in the Ministry of Justice, future man number two was transferred to the Presidential Administration, after which he replaced Maksut Narikbayev, another malicious bribe-taker, as Chairman of the Supreme Court. And he finally destroyed the judicial system. The six judges of the Supreme Court convicted of corruption are the staff of Kairat Mami. It was he who invited them to this work, it was he who supported them. To assert, that they instantly turned into corrupt officials after he left the post of head of the highest court, can only be a very naive person. To put it simply, they were trained by him to be corrupt and turned out to be good students. Just because of impunity, they lost their vigilance. They began to take bribes right in the office. Under him there was more conspiracy, but in fact everything remained in the form in which he created this system.
10. 2011.04.27. Chairman of the Senate, second person in Kazakhstan. Was born in 1954 in the Zhambyl region of the Alma – Ata region. Graduated from KAZGU, lawyer. Close to the President by genealogy. During the Soviet period, for nine years he worked in the judiciary in the Guryev (Atyrau) region. In 1990 he was transferred to Almaty, after which his rapid career began. In 1999, he was suddenly removed from the Supreme Court. According to widespread opinion, in connection with acts of corruption. But he managed to avoid criminal prosecution, was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Justice. Six months later, he was transferred to the high position of Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, and a year later he was elected Chairman of the Supreme Court. K. Mami’s swift career testifies to his closeness to the President. On the recommendation of the Head of State, he was elected to the second position in the country, became the speaker of the Senate. His ascent coincided with a rowdy scandal in the Supreme Court, where six judges, who are his creatures, were convicted of corruption by the financial police and dismissed from their posts. K. Mami, despite his high position and second position in the power structure, is nevertheless not considered as the successor of the current President. It is characterized as a limited person who does not have a political outlook. nevertheless not seen as a successor to the incumbent President. It is characterized as a limited person who does not have a political outlook. nevertheless not seen as a successor to the incumbent President. It is characterized as a limited person who does not have a political outlook.
11. 2011.04.15. Kairat Mami was seen in the repressions against the Zheltoksanites. One, small, episode of Kairat Mami’s activities was captured in the book of memoirs of the Almaty teacher Zhansai Sabitova, published in 1998. She was repressed for her participation in the December 1986 events and served several years in prison under an anti-Soviet article. In 1989, Kolbin’s regime weakened, Zhansae managed to get out of prison, but for several more years she could not rehabilitate herself. On one of these days of walking in agony, Kairat Mami, then the chairman of the board of the Supreme Court, threw her: “Comedian”. So the heroine of the December events, Zhansai, and after the release of the decree of President Nazarbayev in 1991, tried in vain to restore her rights, to receive compensation for the repressions. In her book, Zhansaya Sabitova writes,
12. 2021.02.13. The chairman of the Constitutional Council of Kazakhstan, Kairat Mami, can boast that his son Miras is making a career on his own. The young man, born in 1988, received a prestigious education abroad and since August 2018 has been working for a large international investment company Federated Hermes , headquartered in the United States. But in fact, apparently, without the help of his father, who holds high positions in the civil service, Miras cannot do – and thereby reveals the business interests of Kairat Mami in Kazakhstan. PHOTO
13. 2015.09.25. Mami’s brother – Mamiev Zhomart Abdrazakovich – was involved in a scam with a mansion in the elite district of Almaty at Shevchenko, 15A
14. 2008.01.10. Headline: “The higher, the nastier or where Mami pops up.” When Zheldorstroy LLP was the firm of Mami Yerlan (a relative of Mami Kairat), she competed with illegally convicted businessmen for a tender for the construction of the Khromtau-Altynsarino railway line, the episode is associated with the KNB raiding.
15. 2011.12.21. Kairat Mami has rarely shown publicity throughout his career. Cameras, live communication and dialogue are not for him. But in December 2011, he commented on the tragic events of the shooting by the police of the oil workers of Zhanaozen, who were protesting against unfair pay and poor working conditions: “Lawlessness and violation of public order must not be allowed. Organizers and lawbreakers will be held accountable and punished as they deserve ”(source In his speech from the rostrum of parliament, Mami announced the start of the work of an investigative task force, created on the personal instruction of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Note that this was not said by a law enforcement officer, but at that time the speaker of the Senate of the Parliament. Apparently, it was he who, in spite of the incompatible position, was instructed to organize a “trial” over the protesters. No sooner said than done competently. Many people were tortured and beaten at the police station. 13 defendants were sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years, 21 defendants were sentenced to suspended sentences or to punishment with the simultaneous application of amnesty. Fates are broken, health and years of life are lost. The “conductor” of all this, apparently, was Kairat Mami.
16. 2020.05.29. In the summer of 2019, a scandal erupted around Askar Zhumagaliev with a large-scale data leak of 11 million adult citizens of Kazakhstan (the database is still available in DarkNet for any user who can pay for its download) (source % 87% D0% B8% D0% BD% D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% BA% D0% B8 /% D0% B0% D1% 81% D0% BA% D0% B0% D1% 80-% D0% B6% D1% 83% D0% BC% D0% B0% D0% B3% D0% B0% D0% BB% D0% B8% D0% B5% D0% B2-% D0% B2-% D1% 86% D0% B8% D1% 84% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% BE% D0% BC-% D1% 83% D1% 82% D0% B8% D0% BB% D0% B5-2020.html ).
17. 2020.06.17. Only officially for 2018-2019, 41.5 billion tenge was spent on “digitalization”. The true costs are many times higher than those declared by the former minister. After all, NIT JSC from 2016 to 2020 received 178.8 billion tenge from the state within the framework of state purchases. For the period from 2018 to 2019, 96.5 billion are released, which is already two times higher than 41.5 billion tenge declared by Askar Zhumagaliyev. The “digitalization” also includes the NJSC “Government for Citizens”. The organization received 229.5 billion from 2016 to 2020, and for 2018-2019 – 111.8 billion tenge (source ) …
18. 2014.12.10. Rashid Tusupbekov, commissioned by some very influential people in Nazarbayev’s inner circle, began an intrigue against his other “blood” enemy, the then speaker of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Mami. According to the logic of the head of the financial police Tusupbekov, the “case of Zimanov Jr.” about bribery should have become “the case of Kairat Mami and Mukhtar Zimanov” (source ).

Relatives and “wallets”
№п / п | FULL NAME | Date of Birth | Relation degree | Occupation | Children, family |
1. | Mami Kairat Abdrazakovich | 09.05.1954 | Person | Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2017). Former chairman of the Prosecutor General’s Office (2009-11), the Senate of the Parliament (2011-13), the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2013-17). While working as a member of the Supreme Court, he was caught on a bribe. Then, being its chairman, he added 6 judges, who were eventually convicted of corruption and dismissed. According to statements from representatives of the Russian side, Mami was one of the recipients of a bribe worth $ 250 million in the case of Alliance Bank JSC. | 7 brothers (Zhomart, Mukhit, Samat and Yerzhan) and sisters. 3 children. A native of s. Zhambyl, Zhambyl district, Almaty region. Comes from the Dulat tribe of the Elder Zhuz. A relative of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev Nursultan Abishevich (06.07.1940). |
2. | Akhmetova Makbal Zairbekovna | Spouse | Founder LLP “EL CAPITAL”, has FE “AKHMETOVA MAKBAL ZAIRBEKOVNA”. | ||
3. | Mami Ainur Kairatovna | 06.07.1979 | Daughter | Founder: IZET GREENHOUSE LLP, GREENHOUSE KAZAKHSTAN LLP, GREEN KITCHEN LLP, KELESHEK SOCIAL CHARITY FUND LLP, CALIFORNICATION BEAUTY LLP, Ya SAM LLP, CALIFORNICATION WEALTH LLP, CALIFORNICATION WEALTH LLP MANAGEMENT ”,“ SOLAR CAPITAL ”LLP. AMAK GROUP LLP. The latter is the founder of TAU-KEN ENGINEERING LLP, and it, in turn, ALTYN ENGINEERING LLP. Has an individual entrepreneur “MAMI AINUR KAYRATKYZY”. There are debts for individual entrepreneurs in taxes and customs payments: 6 625 tenge. Participant in 2 civil cases. | Daughter of Kuanysh Miriam Askarovna (01.08.2003), son of Kuanysh Kaisar Askarovich (10.03.2006). |
4. | Zhumagaliev Askar Kuanyshevich | 02.08.1972 | Son-in-law | Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of the Netherlands (since 2020), Permanent Representative to the OPCW. Former Minister of Communications and Information (2010-12), Minister of Transport and Communications (2012-14), Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Defense and Aerospace (2017-19), Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace (2019-20) The Anti-Corruption Agency charged him with embezzlement from the budget totaling $ 2 billion. As an official in Kazakhstan, he led a luxurious lifestyle. In the government quarter, he is known as an avid golfer, lover of haute cuisine and fashion, and a regular visitor to the world’s leading wellness centers. | |
5. | Mami Elvira Kairatovna | 07.08.1982 | Daughter | He is the director of two London companies at once : “Greenvits Ltd.” (2019; food production) and Cognita House Limited (2018; management and education consulting). The founder of the Kazakh LLP “EL CAPITAL” and LLP “EL CUISINE”, has the FE “MAMI ELVIRA KAYRATKYZY”. | |
6. | Mami Miras Kairatovich | May 1988 | Son | Works in the London office of the financial and analytical company Hermes Management Ltd (since 2018). Previously, he was a director of two companies in London: Adal Capital Limited (management of financial funds), and Adal Capital Management LLP (both operated in 2017-18). He is listed in the UK business register for an elite one-hundred-meter apartment in the Chelsea area. Former independent director, member of the board of directors of JSC NIK of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. | |
7. | Mamiev Zhomart Abdrazakovich | 18.08.1961 | Brother | The founder of ARSARON BUILDING COMPANY LLP and ARAY COMFORT LLP, as well as the head of the ABDRAZAK farm (MAMIEV ZHOMART ABDRAZAKOVICH) from the village. Zhambyl, Zhambyl region. There are debts for individual entrepreneurs in taxes and customs payments: 263 312 tenge. He was involved in a scam with a mansion in the elite district of Almaty at 15A Shevchenko. | |
8. | Mamiev Mukhit Abdrazakovich | 19.06.1965 | Brother | Founder of MBSCOMPANY LLP. Former head of the Representative Office of Trade and Transport Company LLP in Almaty. | |
9. | Akhmetova Shara Zairbekovna | 24.05.1961 | Wife’s sister | Pediatrician, founder of REMOTE PATRONAGE LLP, founder and head of CHILD CARE CENTER LLP. Affiliated person of the state-owned JSC NATIONAL RESEARCH MEDICAL CENTER. | |
10. | Akhmetova Balkhash Zairbekovna | 19.07.1963 | Wife’s sister | Founder and head of LLP “AHZA-BAL”, has a residential complex “AKHMETOVA” (Akhmetova Balkhash Zairbekovna). Participant of 1 court case. Has arrears in 1 enforcement proceedings. | |
11. | Akhmetova Artyk Zairbekovna | 15.06.1965 | Wife’s sister | Has an individual entrepreneur “AKHMETOVA A.Z.” (Akhmetova Artyk Zairbekovna), debt on taxes and customs payments: 13 670 tenge. | |
12. | Akhmetova Tolkyn Zairbekovna | 02.10.1967 | Wife’s sister | Founder of NATURALNYE PRODUCTS LLP and AXELINI LLP; head of SOLARCAPITAL LLP, AMAKGROUP LLP and IE Akhmetova Tolkyn Zairbekovna; ex-head of BITRIX LLP and RAR INVESTMENT GROUP LLP. | |
13. | Akhmetova Taklima Zairbekovna | 27.01.1970 | Wife’s sister | Judge of the Almalinskiy District Court in the city of Almaty. She began her career in her native city of Shymkent. | |
14. | Mami (Mamiev) Erlan Erkeshevich | 20.01.1957 | Relative | Head of the Atyrau FL of JSC “NGSK KAZSTROYSERVIS”. Founder of WSM LLP, SEISMIC WELL LOGGING LLP, BURATAS LLP, the latter is the founder of TENIZKAZYNATAS LLP. Former head of Kazatomprom Sulfuric Acid Plant Joint Venture LLP and Construction Director of United Chemical Company LLP, Samruk-Kazyna JSC. The owner of the former departmental dining room Almatykultbytstroy. When he was his firm, Zheldorstroy LLP competed for tenders for the construction of the Khromtau-Altynsarino railway line with illegally convicted businessmen, the episode is associated with the KNB raiding. | Mamieva’s wife Bakytzhan Sagimbekovna (08.24.1956) – owns parking spaces in Astana, Esil district, st. 36, d.21 with an area of 19.2 sq. m and 22.1 sq. m. Participant of 2 civil litigations. Son Mami Sanzhar Erlanovich (10.16.1982) – founder of SEN OIL LLP, REMEX LLP, INKAR RESOURCES LLP in Kazakhstan, as well as Energotrans Group LLC (share of 50% ; liquidated 30.09.2020) in Moscow. Daughter-in-law Mamieva Lilia Abbyazovna (05.02.1985) – individual entrepreneur “Mamieva Lilia Abbyazovna.” BOO. Dzharbsunov ”, the founder of“ Company “KAZPROF” LLP and “AD UROCLINIC” LLP, has an individual entrepreneur “M ДАMI DARKHAN YERLANLY”. Mamieva’s daughter-in-law Madia Manatbekovna (04/13/1992). Mamiev’s daughter Akmaral Erlanovna (10/30/1979). Son-in-law Bisakaev Urken Serikkalievich (24.09. 1977) – General Director of the Association of Maritime Transport Entrepreneurs (since 2021). Former vice minister of culture and sports (2019-21), ex-chairman of the board of Kazakh Tourism NC JSC (2019). Grandchildren: Serikkali Alua Urkenovna (12.11.2002), Serikkali Alimansur Urkenovich (05.12.2008), Serikkali Abulkhair Urkenovich (09.03.2011). Swat Bisakaev Serikkali Gumarovich (01/02/1951) – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of RAM, Academician of MAIN and MANEB, Director of the Republican Scientific Research Institute for Labor Protection (since 2013). Participant in 1 administrative court case. Matchmaker Bisakaeva Gulnar Esenbulatovna (02/10/1951) – employee of the RSE “National Scientific Medical Center”. Sister-in-law Tauekel Botagoz Serikkalievna (06/23/1982) – has IP “TUEKEL”. The husband of the sister-in-law’s sister Tauekel Galymbek Slambekuly (16.03. |
15. | Barpibaev Tlektes Yesheevich | 24.10.1960 | “Wallet”, the holder of the “black box office of judges”; also originally from Zhambyl region | Chairman of the court of the city of Nur-Sultan (since 2013). It was his family members who were the very “zero patients” who provoked the first “coronavirus crisis”, returning from Europe on the business plane of the oligarch Bakharidin Ablazimov. | Baskanbaev’s wife Aiman Sabikanovna (25.05.1961) – founder of Firm Kord LLP; has FE “BASKANBAEVA” – and three children. Tokal and the youngest son. |
16. | Saimasaeva Aigul Aitzhanovna | 15.05.1970 | “Wallet”; originally from the regional center of the Zhambyl region -s. Uzynagash | It owns a quarter of JSC “JOINT-STOCK INVESTMENT FUND OF REAL ESTATE” ALBA “. Founder of ALBA E’SPERANZA LLP, STATUS MANAGEMENT COMPANY LLP and WSM LLP. The latter is the co-founder of QUARTZ KZ LLP. Aigul has an individual entrepreneur “SAIMASAEVA AA” She is the nominal owner of the apartment, in which Mami Miras registered his companies in London. | Sister Saymasaeva Ainash Aitzhanovna (05/15/1970) – has an individual entrepreneur “Nur”. Brother Saymasaev Mukhtar Aitzhanovich (22.09.1964) – the founder and head of LLP “ҚҰM-BEL CAPITAL” and KH “DIMASH-1” (Saymasaev Mukhtar Aitzhanovich); ex-head of NAURYZ-AGRO-RUNO LLP. All their enterprises are registered in the village. Uzynagash of Zhambyl region. |
List of enterprises in Kazakhstan of relatives and “wallets” of Kairat Mami
№п / п | Name | Leaders | Founders | Date of registration | BIN | OKED | Address (AS) | Attitude (connection) |
1. | LLP “GREENHOUSE KAZAKHSTAN” (paid 627,280,294 tenge of taxes; has a debt on 1 enforcement proceedings) | BEKTEP MUSLIM KHAIDAROVICH | MAMI AINUR KAYRATKYZY; ZAKIR AZIZA ZHARMAKHANOVNA (daughter of the former Prosecutor General Tuyakbayev; wife of the Deputy Head of the Office of the Prime Minister who worked in the Prosecutor General’s Office, Abdukalyk Zakir – until 2017 Nalibayev) | 31.01.2013 | 130140023870 | Growing vegetables, their seeds and seedlings (01132). 4.9 billion tenge was invested in the construction of a greenhouse on 9 hectares. Including from 2013 to 2015, 1.5 billion tenge of personal funds. The greenhouse, equipped with the latest agricultural science, with the fifth generation Ultra-Clima technology, has become a local landmark. They plan to expand the greenhouse complex – the local akimat allocated another 57 hectares. | Aktobe region, AKTOBE G.A., AKTOBE, ALMATY DISTRICT, RESIDENTIAL MASSIV KENES NOKINA, 512 (151013100) | Daughter Ainur |
2. | LLP “IZET GREENHOUSE” (paid 113,373,729 tenge of taxes; debts in taxes and customs payments: 4,255; participant of 1 civil court case) | TURKMENBAYEV AMANGELDY AZIZHANOVICH | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY; ZAKIR AZIZA ZHARMAKHANOVNA | 11.11.2008 | 081140006435 | Growing vegetables, their seeds and seedlings (01132) | Aktobe region, AKTOBE G.A., AKTOBE, DISTRICT ASTANA, MICRORAYON 12, 37A, KV. 58 (151011100) | Daughter Ainur |
3. | ТОО “GREEN KITCHEN” | ZHAZYKBAEVA GULNUR ALMABEKOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY; ZHAZYKBAEVA GULNUR ALMABEKOVNA (from Shymkent) | 19.11.2019 | 191140019737 | Growing of cereals and leguminous crops, including seed production (01111) | г. Nur-Sultan, BAIKONUR DISTRICT, STREET Zhakyp Omarov, 111 (711410000) | Daughter Ainur |
4. | ТОО “KELESHEK SOCIAL CHARITY FUND” | ZHAZYKBAEVA GULNUR ALMABEKOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAYRATKYZY; TURGANOVA MAYRA DYUSENBAEVNA (daughter of the deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament) | 27.07.2020 | 200740022830 | Activities of other public organizations, not elsewhere classified (oked: 94990) | г. Nur-Sultan, ESIL DISTRICT, SARAISHYK STREET, 27/3 (711210000) | Daughter Ainur |
5. | LLP “CALIFORNICATION BEAUTY” (tax and customs debt: 22 347 tenge) | ZHAZYKBAEVA GULNUR ALMABEKOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY | 23.12.2014 | 141240019157 | Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons (96020). Yoga, SPA treatments. | g. Nur-Sultan, ESIL DISTRICT, SARAYSHIK STREET, 27/3 (711210000) | Daughter Ainur |
6. | I AM LLP | KYRGYZBEK AIGERIM BAKHYTZHANOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY | 27.07.2007 | 70740014939 | Activities of evening general education schools (85591) | Almaty city, NAURYZBAY DISTRICT, RAKHAT MICRODISTRY, STR. ASKAROVA, 21/4, KV. 5 (751810000) | Daughter Ainur |
7. | CALIFORNICATION LLP | YUNUSOVA DINARA TEMUROVNA | MAMI AYNIR KAYRATKYVY; SYDYKOVA ALUA ERLANOVNA (daughter of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan); YUNUSOVA DINARA TEMUROVNA () | 05.07.2021 | 120740003013 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Almaty, MEDEUSKY DISTRICT, STREET KAYSENOVA, 72 (751710000) | Daughter Ainur |
8. | ТОО “SEVEN CAPITAL WEALTH MANAGEMENT” | JOLYMBET BAZYL | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY; ESEKEEVA DANARA AMANGELDINO-VNA; JOLYMBET BAZYL | 06.06.2014 | 140640006008 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Nur-Sultan, ALMATY DISTRICT, STREET A 34, 13, SQ. 28 (711110000) | Daughter Ainur |
9. | SOLAR CAPITAL LLP | AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAYRATKYZY; ZHOLYMBETOVA GULDANA BAZYLKHANOVNA | 03.10.2013 | 131040003865 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Almaty, MEDEUSKIY DISTRICT, STREET DOSTYK, 134, OFFICE 13, OFFICE 709 (751710000) | Daughter Ainur, sister of Tolkyn |
10. | «« AMAK GROUP | AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY | 23.05.2008 | 080540014626 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Almaty city, MEDEUSKY DISTRICT, AVENUE DOSTYK, 134, 9 FLOOR, SQ. 17, Business Center “Pioneer 2” (751710000) | Daughter Ainur, sister of Tolkyn |
12. | GOLDEN ENGINEERING MOUNTAIN | DZHANBURCHIN JANIBEK SERIKOVICH | TAU-KEN ENGINEERING LLP; PAVLODAR SOCIAL AND ENTERPRISE CORPORATION JSC (100% share of the regional akimat) | 07.12.2018 | 181240005719 | Mining of precious metals and rare metal ores (07298) | Pavlodar region, PAVLODAR G.A., PAVLODAR, STREET UKRAINSKAYA, 66/1 (551010000) | LLP daughter Ainur |
13. | FE “MAMI AYNUR KAYRATKYZY” (debts in taxes and customs payments: 6 629 tenge; participant in 2 civil court cases) | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY | 05.03.2009 | 790706400027 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | Nur-Sultan, ESIL DISTRICT (711210000) | Daughter Ainur | |
14. | ТОО “EL CUISINE” | BAIBOSYNOVA LAURA MAKSUTZHANO-VNA | MAMI ELMIRA KAIRATKYZY | 26.04.2010 | 100440019015 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, DOSTYK AVENUE, 48 (751710000) | Daughter Elvira |
15. | IP “MAMI ELVIRA Kairatovna” | MAMI ELMIRA KAIRATKYZY | 25.02.2010 | 820807400193 | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). As well as transport handling of goods. | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT (751710000) | Daughter Elvira | |
16. | ТОО “THE CAPITAL” | BAIBOSYNOVA LAURA MAKSUTZHANO-VNA | MAMI ELMIRA KAIRATKYZY; AHMETOVA MAKBAL ZAIRBEKOVNA | 23.08.2019 | 190840024786 | Other financial services, financing in various sectors of the economy, investment activities (64992) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, DOSTYK AVENUE, 48, apt. 103 (751710000) | Daughter Elvira and wife |
17. | IP “AHMETOVA MAKBAL ZAIRBEKOVNA” | AHMETOVA MAKBAL ZAIRBEKOVNA | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). And also the cultivation of oilseeds. | Almaty city | Spouse | |||
18. | ARAY COMFORT LLP (debts on taxes and customs payments: 466 tenge; participant of 2 civil court cases; supplier Samruk Kazyna) | SHERIMOV ROLLAN ADLETOVICH (participation in court cases) | MAMIEV JOMART ABDRAZAKOVICH; OMAROV ZHAKEN KAZBEKOVICH; IMPERO ROSSO LLP | 07.05.2007 | 070540010344 | Activities of health resort organizations (86103) | Turkestan region, SARYAGASH DISTRICT, KOKTEREKSKY S.O., S. KOKTEREK, STREET KELES, 38/10 (615467100) | Brother Generous |
19. | ARSARON BUILDING COMPANY LLP (public procurement participant (supplier) since 12.04.2008 (8 contracts)) | TLESPAEV BOLATBEK AITKAZINOVICH (participation in court cases) | MAMIEV JOMART ABDRAZAKOVICH | 26.04.2007 | 070440001533 | Lease (sublease) and operation of rented real estate (68202) | г. Nur-Sultan, ALMATY DISTRICT, SHAMSHI KALDAYAKOV STREET, 1, KV. 1 (711110000) | Brother Generous |
20. | KH “ABDRAZAK” (MAMIEV ZHOMART ABDRAZAKOVICH) (debts on taxes and customs payments: 263 364 tenge) | MAMIEV JOMART ABDRAZAKOVICH | 07.11.2006 | Mixed farming (01500) | Almaty region, ZHAMBYL DISTRICT, ZHAMBYL S.O., S. ZHAMBYL (194247100) | Brother Generous | ||
21. | MBS COMPANY LLP (MBS COMPANY) | ZHIROV VITALY VLADIMIROVICH (participation in court cases; debtor in 2 enforcement proceedings totaling 6,069,176 tenge) | MAMIEV MUKHIT ABDRAZAKOVICH; LYSENKO LIDIA VASILIEVNA | 10.11.2004 | 041140008761 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | Almaty city, ALMALINSKY DISTRICT, STREET AUEZOVA, 33-35 (751110000) | Brother Muhit |
22. | LLP “NATURAL PRODUCTS” | YERZHAN ERSAIN KUDAIBERGEN-ULY (participation in court cases) | AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA | 04.10.2006 | 061040000022 | Growing of other one- or two-year crops, not included in other categories (01199) | Turkestan region, SHARDARINSKY DISTRICT, G. SHARDARA, STREET KAZYBEK BI, D. 16, К. 2 (616420100) | Spouse’s sister Tolkyn |
23. | LLP “AXELINI” (debts on taxes and customs payments: 69 880 tenge) | BATYROVA SAGIRASH DUISENOVNA | AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA | 20.12.2001 | 011240008066 | Other retail sale not in stores (47999) | Turkestan region, SHARDARINSKY DISTRICT, G. SHARDARA, STREET KAZYBEK BI, 16, KV. 2 (616420100) | Spouse’s sister Tolkyn |
24. | IP “Akhmetova Tolkyn Zairbekovna” | AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA | 24.03.2016 | 671002400028 | Other types of catering outside settlements (56291) | Shymkent city, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT (791310000) | Spouse’s sister Tolkyn | |
25. | RAR INVESTMENT GROUP LLP | RAKISHEV ALIBEK ERKENOVICH (participation in court cases); AKHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA (ex-head) | RAKISHEVA GALINA TEMIRGALIEVNA | 16.01.2013 | 130140007501 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Nur-Sultan, BAYKOKYR DISTRICT, STREET INDUSTRIAL ZONE / SOFIEVSKOE SHOSSE, 7 (711410000) | Spouse’s sister Tolkyn |
26. | BITRIX LLP | NYSANOV ADEL TUREBEKOVICH ; AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA (ex-leader) | NYSANOV ADEL TUREBEKOVICH | 25.02.2015 | 150240028531 | Wholesale trade in a wide range of goods without any specification (46909). And also the production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises. | Kostanay region, G.A. KOSTANAY, KOSTANAY, ABAY AVENUE, 28/3 (391010000) | Spouse’s sister Tolkyn |
27. | ТОО «CHILD CARE CENTER» | AHMETOVA SHARA ZAIRBEKOVNA | AHMETOVA SHARA ZAIRBEKOVNA | 24.12.2010 | 101240015286 | Other professional, scientific and technical activities not included in other groups (74909). As well as retail trade in beverages, warehousing and storage of food products, health care activities. | г. Almaty, ALMALINSKY DISTRICT, 103 NURSULTAN NAZARBAYEV AVENUE, OFFICE 30 (751110000) | Sister of Shara’s wife |
28. | REMOTE PATRONAGE LLP | BALBACHAN VIKTOR VIKTOROVICH | AHMETOVA SHARA ZAIRBEKOVNA; MUKHAMEDALIYEV NURTUGAN; METSIK NADEZHDA IGOREVNA; ZEYNELGABDIN-ULY; GABAYDULINA EVGENIA RAIFOVNA; VIENNA LLP | 02.08.2018 | 180840002585 | Other information technology and information systems activities not elsewhere classified (62099) | г. Nur-Sultan, BAIKONUR DISTRICT, STREET Zhumabek Tashenov, 2/3, apt. 9 (711410000) | Sister of Shara’s wife |
29. | AKHZA-BAL LLP | AHMETOVA BALKHASH ZAIRBEKOVNA | AHMETOVA BALKHASH ZAIRBEKOVNA | 22.04.2011 | 110440017605 | Other catering activities not elsewhere classified (56299). As well as retail trade in drinks, warehousing and storage of food products. | Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, MICRODISTRY SAMAL-2, STREET MONKE BI, D. 45 (791310000) | Sister of wife Balkhash |
30. | RC “AKHMETOVA” | AHMETOVA BALKHASH ZAIRBEKOVNA | 26.12.2000 | Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons (96020) | г. Nur-Sultan, SARYARKA DISTRICT, SARYARKA DISTRICT (711310000) | Sister of wife Balkhash | ||
31. | FE “AKHMETOVA A.Z.” (Akhmetova Artyk Zairbekovna) (debts on taxes and customs payments: 13 670 tenge) | AHMETOVA ARTYK ZAIRBEKOVNA | 18.03.2019 | 650615402704 | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). As well as retail and car rental. | Shymkent city, ABAY DISTRICT (791110000) | Sister of the wife Artyk | |
32. | BURATAS LLP (tax and customs debt: 64,268,380 tenge; supplier Samruk-Kazyna; participant in 4 civil court cases) | DOGALOV SAMAT AMIDZHANOVICH | Mami Erlan Erkeshuly; DOGALOV SAMAT AMIDZHANOVICH | 02.02.2005 | 050240002507 | Blasting operations (43122). As well as the rental and management of your own real estate. | Aktobe region, AKTOBE G.A., AKTOBE, ALMATY DISTRICT, VILLAGE ZARECHNY-1, AREA 210 (151013100) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
33. | TENIZKAZYNATAS LLP | GALIEV DIAS AITKALIEVICH (debtor in 5 enforcement proceedings in the amount of 57,609,042 tenge; arrest of bank accounts, prohibition on notarial actions) | BURATAS LLP; JSC “MEHSTROYSER-VIS” (inactive enterprise) | 23.10.2009 | 91040017716 | Extraction of finishing and building stone (08111) | Mangystau region, AKTAU G.A., AKTAU, MICRODAYON 13, BUILDING 55, “BUSINESS CENTER”, OFFICE 7 (471010000) | LLP relatives of Mami Yerlan |
34. | ТОО “SEISMIC WELL LOGGING” | TIMIRBAYEV TIMUR BEKBULATOVICH (tax and customs debt: 30 091 tenge; participation in court cases, temporary restriction on leaving the RK, ban on notarial actions) | Mami Erlan Erkeshuly; DOGALOV SAMAT AMIDZHANOVICH; TEMIRBAEV TIMUR BEKBULATOVICH | 07.09.2017 | 170940006679 | Provision of services to facilitate the extraction of oil and natural gas (09100) | Aktobe region, AKTOBE G.A., AKTOBE, ALMATY DISTRICT, STREET ZHANKOZHA BATYRA, 30, apt. 24 (51013100) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
35. | ATYRAU FL JSC “NGSK KAZSTROYSERVIS” (participant in 1 criminal case; participant in public procurement (customer) since 25.10.2016) | Mami Erlan Erkeshevich | Not provided | 21.08.2001 | 010841002369 | Construction of oil and gas trunk pipelines (42211) | Atyrau region, ATYRAU G.A., G. ATYRAU, STR. VISSARION BELINSKY, 20 (231010000) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
36. | UNITED CHEMICAL COMPANY LLP (founder of 10 enterprises; participant in 9 civil court cases; customer and supplier Samruk-Kazyna) | TAGASHEV IBRAGIM ESENZHANOVICH (participation in court cases); MӘMI YERLAN YERKESHҰLY (ex-director of construction) | JSC “FNB” SAMRUK-KAZYNA “ | 22.01.2009 | 090140015077 | Holding company activities (64200) | Nur-Sultan, DISTRICT ESIL, STREET E 10, D. 17/10 (711210000) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
37. | Kazatomprom Sulfuric Acid Plant Joint Venture LLP (SSAP) (public procurement participant (suppliers) from 08/07/2020; supplier Samruk-Kazyna; 12 civil, 5 administrative cases) | UMERBAEV ADILKHAN ABDRAKHMANOVICHMӘMI ERLAN YERKESHLY (ex-head) | UNITED CHEMICAL COMPANY LLP; JSC “NATIONAL NUCLEAR COMPANY” KAZATOMPROM “ | 04.08.2008 | 080840001833 | Manufacture of other basic inorganic chemicals (20130) | Akmola region, STEPNOGORSK G.A., STEPNOGORSK, INDUSTRIAL ZONE 6, 5 (111810000) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
38. | ZHELDORSTROY LLP (tax and customs debt: 37 986 168 tenge; debt for 4 enforcement proceedings; the company is absent at the legal address; participant in 4 civil court cases) | LESHCHENKO ANATOLY PETROVICH (debts on taxes and customs payments: 13 507 tenge); MӘMI YERLAN YERKESHҰLY (was either the leader or the founder) | ABE CORPORATION JSC (its founder is ABE GROUP LLP Kulibayev Talgat Askarovich (Timur’s brother) and two sons) | 08.10.2002 | 021040006024 | Construction of oil and gas trunk pipelines (42211) | Mangystau region, MUNAYLINSKY DISTRICT, MANGISTAU S.O., S. MANGISTAU, RESIDENTIAL MASSIV MANGISTAU-1, ZHELDORSTROY (475030100) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
39. | INKAR RESOURCES LLP | RAYIMBEKOV RUSLAN ESMAGUZAMOVICH (debtor, temporary restrictions on leaving the RK: 15,154,445 tenge) | Mami Sanjar Erlanovich; RJ HOLDING LLP | 10.03.2004 | 140340008033 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Almaty, AUEZOV DISTRICT, STREET KABDOLOVA, 16 (751310000) | Relative of Mami Sanzhar, son of Yerlan |
40. | LLP “REMEX” (debt for 2 enforcement proceedings: 270,464 tenge; participant in 1 civil court case; there is a ban on registration actions of legal entities and performance of notarial actions) | IKKERT ALEXANDER ENFRIDOVICH (debtor in 3 enforcement proceedings; bank accounts arrested, there is a ban on notarial actions) | Mami Sanjar Erlanovich; MURATOVA SAULE MAGAUIYANOVNA; DZHUBANAEV BAURZHAN NIYAZOVICH; MYRZABEK ABAY AKYLBEKOVICH | 19.02.2016 | 160240021902 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Almaty, MEDEUSKY DISTRICT, STREET KOPERNIKA, 124 (751710000) | Relative of Mami Sanzhar, son of Yerlan |
41. | SEN OIL LLP (public procurement participant (supplier) from the date of foundation: 10/04/2013; supplier Samruk-Kazyna; debts on taxes and customs payments: 1,193,306 tenge; indebtedness for 3 enforcement proceedings: 1,258,764,263 tenge; participant in 6 civil court cases; bank accounts arrested; there is a ban on registration actions of legal entities and the commission of notarial actions; enterprise; absent at the legal address) | NURTAI ERSAIN ERZHIGITOVICH | Mami Sanjar Erlanovich; ERKINBEKOV ASANALI SERIKBEKOVICH; NURTAI ERSAIN ERZHIGITOVICH | 04.10.2013 | 131040004645 | Freight forwarding services (52291) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, DOSTYK AVENUE, 192/2, OFFICES 801, 803, Business Center “Tender First” (751710000) | Relative of Mami Sanzhar, son of Yerlan |
42. | FE “MAMIEVA LILIA ABBYAZOVNA” | MAMIEVA LILIA OBBYAZOVNA | 18.11.2020 | 850205499026 | Manufacture of other types of clothing and accessories, not elsewhere classified (14199). And also retail trade not in stores, repair of computers and peripheral equipment. | г. Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT (751410000) | Relative of Mamieva Lilia, wife of Sanzhar | |
43. | LLP “Company” KAZPROF “(debt for 1 court proceedings) | KULMURZIEV KASYMKHAN TALGATOVICH (participation in court cases) | Mami Darkhan Erlanovich; HABIEV MARAT NURUMOVICH; MURZABEKOVA GAUKHAR KAZIZOVNA; JUMAGALIEVA LIZA ALTYNBEKOVNA | 08.11.2007 | 071140007372 | Holding company activities (64200) | г. Almaty, Zhetysu district, RYSKULOVA AVENUE, 72 (751510000) | Relative of Mami Darkhan, son of Yerlan |
44. | AD UROCLINIC LLP | ABZALBEKOV ASKHAN ZAUALMAKANO-HIV | Mami Darkhan Erlanovich; ABZALBEKOV ASKHAN ZAUALMAKANO-HIV | 10.06.2020 | 200640012938 | Other health care activities (86900) | г. Almaty, ZHETYSUSKY DISTRICT, RAYIMBEKA AVENUE, 243A, apt. 39 (751510000) | Relative of Mami Darkhan, son of Yerlan |
45. | IP “Mami Darkhan Erlanovich” | Mami Darkhan Erlanovich | 10.04.2017 | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). As well as machine processing; metal processing and coating. | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT (751710000) | Relative of Mami Darkhan, son of Yerlan | ||
46. | JSC “JOINT STOCK INVESTMENT FUND REAL ESTATE” ALBA “(participant in 3 civil court cases) | ESKALIEV ARNUR BAIGALIULY (participation in court cases) | SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA (25% of shares); POSITIVE CONSULTING LLP; MOUNTAIN “SAMAL ZHAI” | 24.03.2014 | 140340020796 | Other financial services, financing in various sectors of the economy, investment activities (64992) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, ZENKOVA STREET, 22 (751710000) | Saimasaev’s wallet |
47. | WSM LLP | MURZABEKOV AHMETKARIM TULEUOVICH | Mami Erlan Erkeshuly; SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA; MUKHAMEDZHANOV RUSLAN KAMALTINOVICH; MURZABEKOV CHINGIZ KAZIZOVICH; DAUKENOV TIMUR AMANZHOLOVICH; MURZABEKOV AHMETKARIM TULEUOVICH | 23.06.2006 | 060640011979 | Activities for the conduct of geological exploration and research (excluding research and development) (71122) | Karaganda region, KARAGANDA GA, G. KARAGANDA, R.A. IM. KAZYBEK BI, DISTRICT IM. KAZYBEK BI, OLYMPIC STREET, 3 (351013100) | A relative of Mami Yerlan and Saimasaev’s wallet |
48. | QUARTZ KZ LLP | BAZARBAEV ASKAR SEYBEKOVICH | WSM LLP (51%); JSC “SOCIAL-PREPRENIMA-TELSKAYA CORPORATION” SARYARKA “(state participation 49%) | 05.05.2010 | 100540001879 | Extraction of raw materials for the glass industry (08994) | Karaganda region, KARAGANDA GA, G. KARAGANDA, R.A. IM. KAZYBEK BI, DISTRICT IM. KAZYBEK BI, OLYMPIC STREET, 3 (351013100) | LLP is a relative of Mami Yerlan and Saimas-Eva’s wallet |
49. | STATUS MANAGEMENT COMPANY LLP (since 2018, tax deductions have sharply decreased; absent at the legal address) | BAGASHAROV YERZHAN TELMANOVICH | SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA; DOSYBAEVA ASELYA SHAKHKARIMOVNA | 30.01.2002 | 020140001748 | Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, pipes and profiles (22210) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, KAIRBEKOVA STREET, 6 (751710000) | Saimasaev’s wallet |
50. | LLP “STATUS PLAST” (STATUS PLAST) (participant in 4 civil court cases; participant in public procurement (supplier) from 01/08/2018; supplier Samruk-Kazyna) | BAGASHAROV YERZHAN TELMANOVICH | STATUS MANAGEMENT COMPANY LLP | 04.12.2009 | 091240002488 | Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, pipes and profiles (22210) | Almaty city, BOSTANDIK DISTRICT, STREET TIMIRYAZEVA, 42, CORPUS 15/107, OFFICE 209, Business center “KCDS Atakent” (751410000) | Saimasa-evoy wallet LLP |
51. | ALBA E’SPERANZA LLP (AES) (debts in taxes and customs payments: KZT 12 333; participant of 2 civil court cases) | KONONENKO SERGEY ANATOLIEVICH (participation in court cases) | SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA; GAZIZOV TOLEGEN BAKIZHANOVICH | 25.08.2008 | 080840015586 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, ZENKOVA STREET, 22 (751710000) | Saimasaev’s wallet |
52. | IP “SAIMASAEVA AA” (SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA) | SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA | 19.10.2007 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT (751410000) | Saimasaev’s wallet |
List of enterprises in Kazakhstan of relatives and “wallets” of Kairat Mami
№п / п | Name | Leaders | Founders | Date of registration | BIN | OKED | Address (AS) | Attitude (connection) |
1. | LLP “GREENHOUSE KAZAKHSTAN” (paid 627,280,294 tenge of taxes; has a debt on 1 enforcement proceedings) | BEKTEP MUSLIM KHAIDAROVICH | MAMI AINUR KAYRATKYZY; ZAKIR AZIZA ZHARMAKHANOVNA (daughter of the former Prosecutor General Tuyakbayev; wife of the Deputy Head of the Office of the Prime Minister who worked in the Prosecutor General’s Office, Abdukalyk Zakir – until 2017 Nalibayev) | 31.01.2013 | 130140023870 | Growing vegetables, their seeds and seedlings (01132). 4.9 billion tenge was invested in the construction of a greenhouse on 9 hectares. Including from 2013 to 2015, 1.5 billion tenge of personal funds. The greenhouse, equipped with the latest agricultural science, with the fifth generation Ultra-Clima technology, has become a local landmark. They plan to expand the greenhouse complex – the local akimat allocated another 57 hectares. | Aktobe region, AKTOBE G.A., AKTOBE, ALMATY DISTRICT, RESIDENTIAL MASSIV KENES NOKINA, 512 (151013100) | Daughter Ainur |
2. | LLP “IZET GREENHOUSE” (paid 113,373,729 tenge of taxes; debts in taxes and customs payments: 4,255; participant of 1 civil court case) | TURKMENBAYEV AMANGELDY AZIZHANOVICH | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY; ZAKIR AZIZA ZHARMAKHANOVNA | 11.11.2008 | 081140006435 | Growing vegetables, their seeds and seedlings (01132) | Aktobe region, AKTOBE G.A., AKTOBE, DISTRICT ASTANA, MICRORAYON 12, 37A, KV. 58 (151011100) | Daughter Ainur |
3. | ТОО “GREEN KITCHEN” | ZHAZYKBAEVA GULNUR ALMABEKOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY; ZHAZYKBAEVA GULNUR ALMABEKOVNA (from Shymkent) | 19.11.2019 | 191140019737 | Growing of cereals and leguminous crops, including seed production (01111) | г. Nur-Sultan, BAIKONUR DISTRICT, STREET Zhakyp Omarov, 111 (711410000) | Daughter Ainur |
4. | ТОО “KELESHEK SOCIAL CHARITY FUND” | ZHAZYKBAEVA GULNUR ALMABEKOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAYRATKYZY; TURGANOVA MAYRA DYUSENBAEVNA (daughter of the deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament) | 27.07.2020 | 200740022830 | Activities of other public organizations, not elsewhere classified (oked: 94990) | г. Nur-Sultan, ESIL DISTRICT, SARAISHYK STREET, 27/3 (711210000) | Daughter Ainur |
5. | LLP “CALIFORNICATION BEAUTY” (tax and customs debt: 22 347 tenge) | ZHAZYKBAEVA GULNUR ALMABEKOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY | 23.12.2014 | 141240019157 | Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons (96020). Yoga, SPA treatments. | g. Nur-Sultan, ESIL DISTRICT, SARAYSHIK STREET, 27/3 (711210000) | Daughter Ainur |
6. | I AM LLP | KYRGYZBEK AIGERIM BAKHYTZHANOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY | 27.07.2007 | 70740014939 | Activities of evening general education schools (85591) | Almaty city, NAURYZBAY DISTRICT, RAKHAT MICRODISTRY, STR. ASKAROVA, 21/4, KV. 5 (751810000) | Daughter Ainur |
7. | CALIFORNICATION LLP | YUNUSOVA DINARA TEMUROVNA | MAMI AYNIR KAYRATKYVY; SYDYKOVA ALUA ERLANOVNA (daughter of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan); YUNUSOVA DINARA TEMUROVNA () | 05.07.2021 | 120740003013 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Almaty, MEDEUSKY DISTRICT, STREET KAYSENOVA, 72 (751710000) | Daughter Ainur |
8. | ТОО “SEVEN CAPITAL WEALTH MANAGEMENT” | JOLYMBET BAZYL | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY; ESEKEEVA DANARA AMANGELDINO-VNA; JOLYMBET BAZYL | 06.06.2014 | 140640006008 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Nur-Sultan, ALMATY DISTRICT, STREET A 34, 13, SQ. 28 (711110000) | Daughter Ainur |
9. | SOLAR CAPITAL LLP | AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAYRATKYZY; ZHOLYMBETOVA GULDANA BAZYLKHANOVNA | 03.10.2013 | 131040003865 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Almaty, MEDEUSKIY DISTRICT, STREET DOSTYK, 134, OFFICE 13, OFFICE 709 (751710000) | Daughter Ainur, sister of Tolkyn |
10. | «« AMAK GROUP | AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY | 23.05.2008 | 080540014626 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Almaty city, MEDEUSKY DISTRICT, AVENUE DOSTYK, 134, 9 FLOOR, SQ. 17, Business Center “Pioneer 2” (751710000) | Daughter Ainur, sister of Tolkyn |
12. | GOLDEN ENGINEERING MOUNTAIN | DZHANBURCHIN JANIBEK SERIKOVICH | TAU-KEN ENGINEERING LLP; PAVLODAR SOCIAL AND ENTERPRISE CORPORATION JSC (100% share of the regional akimat) | 07.12.2018 | 181240005719 | Mining of precious metals and rare metal ores (07298) | Pavlodar region, PAVLODAR G.A., PAVLODAR, STREET UKRAINSKAYA, 66/1 (551010000) | LLP daughter Ainur |
13. | FE “MAMI AYNUR KAYRATKYZY” (debts in taxes and customs payments: 6 629 tenge; participant in 2 civil court cases) | MAMI AINUR KAIRATKYZY | 05.03.2009 | 790706400027 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | Nur-Sultan, ESIL DISTRICT (711210000) | Daughter Ainur | |
14. | ТОО “EL CUISINE” | BAIBOSYNOVA LAURA MAKSUTZHANO-VNA | MAMI ELMIRA KAIRATKYZY | 26.04.2010 | 100440019015 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, DOSTYK AVENUE, 48 (751710000) | Daughter Elvira |
15. | IP “MAMI ELVIRA Kairatovna” | MAMI ELMIRA KAIRATKYZY | 25.02.2010 | 820807400193 | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). As well as transport handling of goods. | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT (751710000) | Daughter Elvira | |
16. | ТОО “THE CAPITAL” | BAIBOSYNOVA LAURA MAKSUTZHANO-VNA | MAMI ELMIRA KAIRATKYZY; AHMETOVA MAKBAL ZAIRBEKOVNA | 23.08.2019 | 190840024786 | Other financial services, financing in various sectors of the economy, investment activities (64992) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, DOSTYK AVENUE, 48, apt. 103 (751710000) | Daughter Elvira and wife |
17. | IP “AHMETOVA MAKBAL ZAIRBEKOVNA” | AHMETOVA MAKBAL ZAIRBEKOVNA | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). And also the cultivation of oilseeds. | Almaty city | Spouse | |||
18. | ARAY COMFORT LLP (debts on taxes and customs payments: 466 tenge; participant of 2 civil court cases; supplier Samruk Kazyna) | SHERIMOV ROLLAN ADLETOVICH (participation in court cases) | MAMIEV JOMART ABDRAZAKOVICH; OMAROV ZHAKEN KAZBEKOVICH; IMPERO ROSSO LLP | 07.05.2007 | 070540010344 | Activities of health resort organizations (86103) | Turkestan region, SARYAGASH DISTRICT, KOKTEREKSKY S.O., S. KOKTEREK, STREET KELES, 38/10 (615467100) | Brother Generous |
19. | ARSARON BUILDING COMPANY LLP (public procurement participant (supplier) since 12.04.2008 (8 contracts)) | TLESPAEV BOLATBEK AITKAZINOVICH (participation in court cases) | MAMIEV JOMART ABDRAZAKOVICH | 26.04.2007 | 070440001533 | Lease (sublease) and operation of rented real estate (68202) | г. Nur-Sultan, ALMATY DISTRICT, SHAMSHI KALDAYAKOV STREET, 1, KV. 1 (711110000) | Brother Generous |
20. | KH “ABDRAZAK” (MAMIEV ZHOMART ABDRAZAKOVICH) (debts on taxes and customs payments: 263 364 tenge) | MAMIEV JOMART ABDRAZAKOVICH | 07.11.2006 | Mixed farming (01500) | Almaty region, ZHAMBYL DISTRICT, ZHAMBYL S.O., S. ZHAMBYL (194247100) | Brother Generous | ||
21. | MBS COMPANY LLP (MBS COMPANY) | ZHIROV VITALY VLADIMIROVICH (participation in court cases; debtor in 2 enforcement proceedings totaling 6,069,176 tenge) | MAMIEV MUKHIT ABDRAZAKOVICH; LYSENKO LIDIA VASILIEVNA | 10.11.2004 | 041140008761 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | Almaty city, ALMALINSKY DISTRICT, STREET AUEZOVA, 33-35 (751110000) | Brother Muhit |
22. | LLP “NATURAL PRODUCTS” | YERZHAN ERSAIN KUDAIBERGEN-ULY (participation in court cases) | AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA | 04.10.2006 | 061040000022 | Growing of other one- or two-year crops, not included in other categories (01199) | Turkestan region, SHARDARINSKY DISTRICT, G. SHARDARA, STREET KAZYBEK BI, D. 16, К. 2 (616420100) | Spouse’s sister Tolkyn |
23. | LLP “AXELINI” (debts on taxes and customs payments: 69 880 tenge) | BATYROVA SAGIRASH DUISENOVNA | AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA | 20.12.2001 | 011240008066 | Other retail sale not in stores (47999) | Turkestan region, SHARDARINSKY DISTRICT, G. SHARDARA, STREET KAZYBEK BI, 16, KV. 2 (616420100) | Spouse’s sister Tolkyn |
24. | IP “Akhmetova Tolkyn Zairbekovna” | AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA | 24.03.2016 | 671002400028 | Other types of catering outside settlements (56291) | Shymkent city, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT (791310000) | Spouse’s sister Tolkyn | |
25. | RAR INVESTMENT GROUP LLP | RAKISHEV ALIBEK ERKENOVICH (participation in court cases); AKHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA (ex-head) | RAKISHEVA GALINA TEMIRGALIEVNA | 16.01.2013 | 130140007501 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Nur-Sultan, BAYKOKYR DISTRICT, STREET INDUSTRIAL ZONE / SOFIEVSKOE SHOSSE, 7 (711410000) | Spouse’s sister Tolkyn |
26. | BITRIX LLP | NYSANOV ADEL TUREBEKOVICH ; AHMETOVA TOLKYN ZAIRBEKOVNA (ex-leader) | NYSANOV ADEL TUREBEKOVICH | 25.02.2015 | 150240028531 | Wholesale trade in a wide range of goods without any specification (46909). And also the production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises. | Kostanay region, G.A. KOSTANAY, KOSTANAY, ABAY AVENUE, 28/3 (391010000) | Spouse’s sister Tolkyn |
27. | ТОО «CHILD CARE CENTER» | AHMETOVA SHARA ZAIRBEKOVNA | AHMETOVA SHARA ZAIRBEKOVNA | 24.12.2010 | 101240015286 | Other professional, scientific and technical activities not included in other groups (74909). As well as retail trade in beverages, warehousing and storage of food products, health care activities. | г. Almaty, ALMALINSKY DISTRICT, 103 NURSULTAN NAZARBAYEV AVENUE, OFFICE 30 (751110000) | Sister of Shara’s wife |
28. | REMOTE PATRONAGE LLP | BALBACHAN VIKTOR VIKTOROVICH | AHMETOVA SHARA ZAIRBEKOVNA; MUKHAMEDALIYEV NURTUGAN; METSIK NADEZHDA IGOREVNA; ZEYNELGABDIN-ULY; GABAYDULINA EVGENIA RAIFOVNA; VIENNA LLP | 02.08.2018 | 180840002585 | Other information technology and information systems activities not elsewhere classified (62099) | г. Nur-Sultan, BAIKONUR DISTRICT, STREET Zhumabek Tashenov, 2/3, apt. 9 (711410000) | Sister of Shara’s wife |
29. | AKHZA-BAL LLP | AHMETOVA BALKHASH ZAIRBEKOVNA | AHMETOVA BALKHASH ZAIRBEKOVNA | 22.04.2011 | 110440017605 | Other catering activities not elsewhere classified (56299). As well as retail trade in drinks, warehousing and storage of food products. | Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, MICRODISTRY SAMAL-2, STREET MONKE BI, D. 45 (791310000) | Sister of wife Balkhash |
30. | RC “AKHMETOVA” | AHMETOVA BALKHASH ZAIRBEKOVNA | 26.12.2000 | Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons (96020) | г. Nur-Sultan, SARYARKA DISTRICT, SARYARKA DISTRICT (711310000) | Sister of wife Balkhash | ||
31. | FE “AKHMETOVA A.Z.” (Akhmetova Artyk Zairbekovna) (debts on taxes and customs payments: 13 670 tenge) | AHMETOVA ARTYK ZAIRBEKOVNA | 18.03.2019 | 650615402704 | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). As well as retail and car rental. | Shymkent city, ABAY DISTRICT (791110000) | Sister of the wife Artyk | |
32. | BURATAS LLP (tax and customs debt: 64,268,380 tenge; supplier Samruk-Kazyna; participant in 4 civil court cases) | DOGALOV SAMAT AMIDZHANOVICH | Mami Erlan Erkeshuly; DOGALOV SAMAT AMIDZHANOVICH | 02.02.2005 | 050240002507 | Blasting operations (43122). As well as the rental and management of your own real estate. | Aktobe region, AKTOBE G.A., AKTOBE, ALMATY DISTRICT, VILLAGE ZARECHNY-1, AREA 210 (151013100) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
33. | TENIZKAZYNATAS LLP | GALIEV DIAS AITKALIEVICH (debtor in 5 enforcement proceedings in the amount of 57,609,042 tenge; arrest of bank accounts, prohibition on notarial actions) | BURATAS LLP; JSC “MEHSTROYSER-VIS” (inactive enterprise) | 23.10.2009 | 91040017716 | Extraction of finishing and building stone (08111) | Mangystau region, AKTAU G.A., AKTAU, MICRODAYON 13, BUILDING 55, “BUSINESS CENTER”, OFFICE 7 (471010000) | LLP relatives of Mami Yerlan |
34. | ТОО “SEISMIC WELL LOGGING” | TIMIRBAYEV TIMUR BEKBULATOVICH (tax and customs debt: 30 091 tenge; participation in court cases, temporary restriction on leaving the RK, ban on notarial actions) | Mami Erlan Erkeshuly; DOGALOV SAMAT AMIDZHANOVICH; TEMIRBAEV TIMUR BEKBULATOVICH | 07.09.2017 | 170940006679 | Provision of services to facilitate the extraction of oil and natural gas (09100) | Aktobe region, AKTOBE G.A., AKTOBE, ALMATY DISTRICT, STREET ZHANKOZHA BATYRA, 30, apt. 24 (51013100) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
35. | ATYRAU FL JSC “NGSK KAZSTROYSERVIS” (participant in 1 criminal case; participant in public procurement (customer) since 25.10.2016) | Mami Erlan Erkeshevich | Not provided | 21.08.2001 | 010841002369 | Construction of oil and gas trunk pipelines (42211) | Atyrau region, ATYRAU G.A., G. ATYRAU, STR. VISSARION BELINSKY, 20 (231010000) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
36. | UNITED CHEMICAL COMPANY LLP (founder of 10 enterprises; participant in 9 civil court cases; customer and supplier Samruk-Kazyna) | TAGASHEV IBRAGIM ESENZHANOVICH (participation in court cases); MӘMI YERLAN YERKESHҰLY (ex-director of construction) | JSC “FNB” SAMRUK-KAZYNA “ | 22.01.2009 | 090140015077 | Holding company activities (64200) | Nur-Sultan, DISTRICT ESIL, STREET E 10, D. 17/10 (711210000) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
37. | Kazatomprom Sulfuric Acid Plant Joint Venture LLP (SSAP) (public procurement participant (suppliers) from 08/07/2020; supplier Samruk-Kazyna; 12 civil, 5 administrative cases) | UMERBAEV ADILKHAN ABDRAKHMANOVICHMӘMI ERLAN YERKESHLY (ex-head) | UNITED CHEMICAL COMPANY LLP; JSC “NATIONAL NUCLEAR COMPANY” KAZATOMPROM “ | 04.08.2008 | 080840001833 | Manufacture of other basic inorganic chemicals (20130) | Akmola region, STEPNOGORSK G.A., STEPNOGORSK, INDUSTRIAL ZONE 6, 5 (111810000) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
38. | ZHELDORSTROY LLP (tax and customs debt: 37 986 168 tenge; debt for 4 enforcement proceedings; the company is absent at the legal address; participant in 4 civil court cases) | LESHCHENKO ANATOLY PETROVICH (debts on taxes and customs payments: 13 507 tenge); MӘMI YERLAN YERKESHҰLY (was either the leader or the founder) | ABE CORPORATION JSC (its founder is ABE GROUP LLP Kulibayev Talgat Askarovich (Timur’s brother) and two sons) | 08.10.2002 | 021040006024 | Construction of oil and gas trunk pipelines (42211) | Mangystau region, MUNAYLINSKY DISTRICT, MANGISTAU S.O., S. MANGISTAU, RESIDENTIAL MASSIV MANGISTAU-1, ZHELDORSTROY (475030100) | Relative of Mami Yerlan |
39. | INKAR RESOURCES LLP | RAYIMBEKOV RUSLAN ESMAGUZAMOVICH (debtor, temporary restrictions on leaving the RK: 15,154,445 tenge) | Mami Sanjar Erlanovich; RJ HOLDING LLP | 10.03.2004 | 140340008033 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Almaty, AUEZOV DISTRICT, STREET KABDOLOVA, 16 (751310000) | Relative of Mami Sanzhar, son of Yerlan |
40. | LLP “REMEX” (debt for 2 enforcement proceedings: 270,464 tenge; participant in 1 civil court case; there is a ban on registration actions of legal entities and performance of notarial actions) | IKKERT ALEXANDER ENFRIDOVICH (debtor in 3 enforcement proceedings; bank accounts arrested, there is a ban on notarial actions) | Mami Sanjar Erlanovich; MURATOVA SAULE MAGAUIYANOVNA; DZHUBANAEV BAURZHAN NIYAZOVICH; MYRZABEK ABAY AKYLBEKOVICH | 19.02.2016 | 160240021902 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Almaty, MEDEUSKY DISTRICT, STREET KOPERNIKA, 124 (751710000) | Relative of Mami Sanzhar, son of Yerlan |
41. | SEN OIL LLP (public procurement participant (supplier) from the date of foundation: 10/04/2013; supplier Samruk-Kazyna; debts on taxes and customs payments: 1,193,306 tenge; indebtedness for 3 enforcement proceedings: 1,258,764,263 tenge; participant in 6 civil court cases; bank accounts arrested; there is a ban on registration actions of legal entities and the commission of notarial actions; enterprise; absent at the legal address) | NURTAI ERSAIN ERZHIGITOVICH | Mami Sanjar Erlanovich; ERKINBEKOV ASANALI SERIKBEKOVICH; NURTAI ERSAIN ERZHIGITOVICH | 04.10.2013 | 131040004645 | Freight forwarding services (52291) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, DOSTYK AVENUE, 192/2, OFFICES 801, 803, Business Center “Tender First” (751710000) | Relative of Mami Sanzhar, son of Yerlan |
42. | FE “MAMIEVA LILIA ABBYAZOVNA” | MAMIEVA LILIA OBBYAZOVNA | 18.11.2020 | 850205499026 | Manufacture of other types of clothing and accessories, not elsewhere classified (14199). And also retail trade not in stores, repair of computers and peripheral equipment. | г. Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT (751410000) | Relative of Mamieva Lilia, wife of Sanzhar | |
43. | LLP “Company” KAZPROF “(debt for 1 court proceedings) | KULMURZIEV KASYMKHAN TALGATOVICH (participation in court cases) | Mami Darkhan Erlanovich; HABIEV MARAT NURUMOVICH; MURZABEKOVA GAUKHAR KAZIZOVNA; JUMAGALIEVA LIZA ALTYNBEKOVNA | 08.11.2007 | 071140007372 | Holding company activities (64200) | г. Almaty, Zhetysu district, RYSKULOVA AVENUE, 72 (751510000) | Relative of Mami Darkhan, son of Yerlan |
44. | AD UROCLINIC LLP | ABZALBEKOV ASKHAN ZAUALMAKANO-HIV | Mami Darkhan Erlanovich; ABZALBEKOV ASKHAN ZAUALMAKANO-HIV | 10.06.2020 | 200640012938 | Other health care activities (86900) | г. Almaty, ZHETYSUSKY DISTRICT, RAYIMBEKA AVENUE, 243A, apt. 39 (751510000) | Relative of Mami Darkhan, son of Yerlan |
45. | IP “Mami Darkhan Erlanovich” | Mami Darkhan Erlanovich | 10.04.2017 | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). As well as machine processing; metal processing and coating. | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT (751710000) | Relative of Mami Darkhan, son of Yerlan | ||
46. | JSC “JOINT STOCK INVESTMENT FUND REAL ESTATE” ALBA “(participant in 3 civil court cases) | ESKALIEV ARNUR BAIGALIULY (participation in court cases) | SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA (25% of shares); POSITIVE CONSULTING LLP; MOUNTAIN “SAMAL ZHAI” | 24.03.2014 | 140340020796 | Other financial services, financing in various sectors of the economy, investment activities (64992) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, ZENKOVA STREET, 22 (751710000) | Saimasaev’s wallet |
47. | WSM LLP | MURZABEKOV AHMETKARIM TULEUOVICH | Mami Erlan Erkeshuly; SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA; MUKHAMEDZHANOV RUSLAN KAMALTINOVICH; MURZABEKOV CHINGIZ KAZIZOVICH; DAUKENOV TIMUR AMANZHOLOVICH; MURZABEKOV AHMETKARIM TULEUOVICH | 23.06.2006 | 060640011979 | Activities for the conduct of geological exploration and research (excluding research and development) (71122) | Karaganda region, KARAGANDA GA, G. KARAGANDA, R.A. IM. KAZYBEK BI, DISTRICT IM. KAZYBEK BI, OLYMPIC STREET, 3 (351013100) | A relative of Mami Yerlan and Saimasaev’s wallet |
48. | QUARTZ KZ LLP | BAZARBAEV ASKAR SEYBEKOVICH | WSM LLP (51%); JSC “SOCIAL-PREPRENIMA-TELSKAYA CORPORATION” SARYARKA “(state participation 49%) | 05.05.2010 | 100540001879 | Extraction of raw materials for the glass industry (08994) | Karaganda region, KARAGANDA GA, G. KARAGANDA, R.A. IM. KAZYBEK BI, DISTRICT IM. KAZYBEK BI, OLYMPIC STREET, 3 (351013100) | LLP is a relative of Mami Yerlan and Saimas-Eva’s wallet |
49. | STATUS MANAGEMENT COMPANY LLP (since 2018, tax deductions have sharply decreased; absent at the legal address) | BAGASHAROV YERZHAN TELMANOVICH | SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA; DOSYBAEVA ASELYA SHAKHKARIMOVNA | 30.01.2002 | 020140001748 | Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, pipes and profiles (22210) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, KAIRBEKOVA STREET, 6 (751710000) | Saimasaev’s wallet |
50. | LLP “STATUS PLAST” (STATUS PLAST) (participant in 4 civil court cases; participant in public procurement (supplier) from 01/08/2018; supplier Samruk-Kazyna) | BAGASHAROV YERZHAN TELMANOVICH | STATUS MANAGEMENT COMPANY LLP | 04.12.2009 | 091240002488 | Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, pipes and profiles (22210) | Almaty city, BOSTANDIK DISTRICT, STREET TIMIRYAZEVA, 42, CORPUS 15/107, OFFICE 209, Business center “KCDS Atakent” (751410000) | Saimasa-evoy wallet LLP |
51. | ALBA E’SPERANZA LLP (AES) (debts in taxes and customs payments: KZT 12 333; participant of 2 civil court cases) | KONONENKO SERGEY ANATOLIEVICH (participation in court cases) | SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA; GAZIZOV TOLEGEN BAKIZHANOVICH | 25.08.2008 | 080840015586 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, ZENKOVA STREET, 22 (751710000) | Saimasaev’s wallet |
52. | IP “SAIMASAEVA AA” (SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA) | SAIMASAEVA AIGUL AITZHANOVNA | 19.10.2007 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT (751410000) | Saimasaev’s wallet |