HOW TO LEAK TO KIAR.Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery
Have information that could expose wrongdoing?
Want to blow the whistle on corruption? We need you – and we’re committed to keeping you safe.
As reporters our job is to keep the powerful accountable, but we can’t do that without evidence. If you have access to documents proving corruption, crime or abuse of power, send it to us. As a source, we will do everything to keep you anonymous and take full precautions in communications and the editing process.
KIAR.Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery is willing to investigate evidence of corruption provided by whistleblowers.
At KIAR.Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery, we can’t arrest people.
We can’t indict them.
But we shine a light on the corrupt, the thieving, the greedy and the heartless.
We can fight for equal and fair resources for all.
We can separate civil society from uncivil society. It’s our job. Help us to do it better.
Post your documents or tips by mail to the following address:
If you send us an encrypted e-mail, bear in mind e-mail subject lines are not encrypted therefore send us an encrypted e-mail without a subject line to
In the hands of our team of trained researchers and journalists, information can make a difference. We call on you to help us by providing information on rigged tenders, frauds, scams, corruption, environmental disasters and abuses of power. If your tips and data could change the status quo, or even save lives, we want to hear about it.
Corruption is an endemic problem that hurts us all. But it needn’t be. If people stood up to those in power who are getting wealthy off the country’s wealth, we’d have less corruption. We all need to do our part. We need to do the right thing.