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Saparbayev Berdibek Mashbekovich (born February 9, 1953, Besaryk , Kyzyl-Orda region ) – statesman and politician of Kazakhstan, akim of the Zhambyl region (since February 10, 2020), honorary president of the Handball Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Born into the large family of the Nalibayevs, but he bears his surname in honor of his grandfather Saparbai. Dossier:

“Bordyurbek” or how the family of Berdybek Saparbayev got rich. Akim Nazarbayeva is a swindler and a thief! Video:
1. 2021/02/26. Why does Akim Saparbayev not go on a well-deserved rest? Our akims and ministers are able to attract attention to themselves. For example, recently the head of the Zhambyl region Berdibek Saparbayev succeeded in this, when there was an “incident” with the state emblem, who fell from the podium from which the akim reported before population (
2. 2016/08/02. In August 2016, requests were sent to all akimats with a request to publish the salaries of the first leaders. Akim of Aktobe region Berdibek Saparbayev (and a number of his colleagues) did not respond to the request ( ).
3. 2020/02/11. Berdibek Saparbayev reserves a “train of corruption scandals” in the regions. According to sources, Saparbayev, holding the post of akim of the South Kazakhstan region, actively promoted his people to various structures of South Kazakhstan oblast. It is also known that numerous relatives of Berdibek are co-founders of a number of commercial structures.
And although Berdibek himself has repeatedly told reporters that he is not affiliated with big business, when he was the akim of the East Kazakhstan region, he earned the popular nickname “Bordyurbek” because of the spread of information that he controls the road construction business. There is a Saparbayev plant in Almaty and he specifically changes the curbs everywhere.
In addition, it is known that one brother of Saparbayev, Nurlybek Nalibayev, holds the post of akim of Kyzylorda, another brother, Pazylbek Nalibayev, made a career in the police of the Kyzylorda region, including when Saparbayev was the head of the region. According to journalists, the local population believes that his brothers have become influential largely thanks to the support of Saparbayev.
Analysts also draw attention to the fact that in resolving disputes affecting the interests of local residents and big business, Saparbayev is inclined to take the side of entrepreneurs. According to experts, when Shymkentnefteorgsintez workers went on strike in South Kazakhstan oblast, the government sided with its citizens, but Berdibek, who at that time was akim of the region, chose not to conflict with investors, with whom, according to rumors, he had a long-standing friendship.
According to experts, despite the dismissal of a number of officials and security officials in the Zhambyl region, with the appointment of Berdibek Saparbayev, a sharp increase in the degree of tension in the conflict with local residents is possible (
4. 2020/10/21. In the Zhambyl region, Berdibek Saparbayev is doing what he loves – he puts his people, despite the resistance and scandals on the ground. Quite recently, Asset Kaliev became the head of the health department, who held a similar position in the Aktobe region when the frantic “Bordyurbek” was akim there. Zamakim became Talgat Mamaev, who worked as the chief tax officer in the East Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions, again under Saparbayev. In what the head of the region has traditionally succeeded – as always, in fierce self-promotion. But he doesn’t care about anything either (
5. 2021/02/15. The protege of “Bordyurbek” – Ilyas Ispanov works at the most important warehouse of the country – the chairman of the State Material Reserves Committee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, son Zhansultan – the head of the transport department of the capital, which is the customer of “Astana LRT”, a project that promises fantastic budgets. In all regions where Saparbayev Sr. led, the disbursement of funds proceeded at such a pace that the scandal followed the scandal. ( ).
6. 2020/08/11. In August 2020, a public conflict broke out between the first woman-akim of the region, Gulshara Abdykaliva, and Nurlybek Nalibayev, the mayor of the regional center of Kyzylorda. Knowing the peculiarities of management over the years of his reign (since 2005 he has been an official, since 2013 he has been an irreplaceable akim), he “merged” with Kyzylorda and considers it to be his rightful fiefdom. Bloggers Dinara Ershatova, Uytolkan Zhareke, Ohar Saymosayev, Luzzat Bahtybaeva, Erik Tenizbaev and others form a positive image of the mayor of Nalibayev. This kind of political technology is reminiscent of the Nur-Sultan akimat, which did not regret 125 million tenge for “correct” comments on social networks to be written about the work of akim Kulginov. In the language of government agencies, this is called “effective promotion of a positive image and reputation in the media, social networks and other Internet platforms” ( ). And the skirmish at the reporting meeting with the population of the now ex-akim of the region Kuanyshbek Iskakov with the “celestial” Nurlybek Nalibayev led to the arrest of Iskakov. In the summer of 2020, he was charged with corruption ( ).
7. 2018/05/24. A mysterious incident happened in May 2018, when one of the residents of Kyzylorda staged a “showdown” by hijacking the city akim’s car, wounded four opponents and disappeared, and then resisted the police. At the same time, he “drove into the courtyard of the city akim. In the same place, having disobeyed the lawful demands of the police to surrender, the defendant fired several more shots, ”writes“ BaigeNews ”. By the verdict of the specialized interdistrict court for criminal cases of the Kyzylorda region, defendant M. was found guilty of committing the above crimes and sentenced to 16 years in prison with serving a sentence in institutions of the penal system of emergency security. However, “the verdict has not entered into legal force” (
8. 2015/04/12. Features of national “blat”, nepotism and nepotism in the corridors of power. It is almost impossible to eradicate this now; all that remains is to tell and state the facts. Bridging the gaps in information about the son of Berdibek Saparbayev:… More recently, Zhansultan Berdibekovich headed the Department of Transport and Development of Road and Transport Infrastructure in the city of Nur-Sultan, and is rapidly moving up the career ladder of the civil service. Another touch to the portrait of Saparbayev Jr. In his free time from work (apparently, he has plenty of it), Zhansultan loves to play sports, play squash, pull “iron”, sing karaoke, “hang out” with his young wife at themed parties, visit resorts and ride expensive cars … But the most favorite pastime, before the journalists “unwound” this whole story, was to collect “likes” under the photos on social networks. At one time, Saparbayev Sr. himself had to comment on a resonant photo of his son in a Ferrari car:
9. 2002/07/24. And the eldest son of Berdibek in 2002 on the Subaru crashed himself and took the lives of several more passengers of the Nexia into the next world. The first version was that 19-year-old Bauyrzhan Saparbayev fell asleep at the wheel and drove into the “oncoming lane”, where he became the author of the accident. But then history was “rewritten” and an animal that ran out onto the road was declared guilty ( -dorozhnaya-policiya-175461 / ).
10. 2017/12/19. Berdibek’s nephew runs the national drug business. So, at the end of 2017, a scandal was hushed up with the detention in Kyzylorda of the head of the KUIS department A. Kurakbaeva, in whose car a large batch of marijuana, hashish and heroin was found. For some reason, she not only was not convicted, but also made a career, taking the position of the head of the KUIS of the Terenozek district. Evil tongues immediately remembered that the former chief G. Otarbayev, the head of the city’s KUIS, was seen in friendly relations with Nurlybek Nalibayev. In addition, the press secretary of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city Aliya Shermaganbetova, who turned out to be the sister of Meyrambek Shermaganbet, the ex-akim of the Khobdinsky region, and now the deputy akim of the Aktobe region, by the same coincidence, turned out to be Berdibek’s nephew, helped to “hush up” the case in the media, according to the resource. Saparbayev. Coincidence? I don’t think (
11. 2018/02/22. While testifying to the court, ex-chairman of the board of Baiterek DEVELOPMENT JSC, Bakhyt Zhaksybayev (son-in-law of Sheker Nalibayeva), spoke about the construction of a country house, which, according to the investigation, was being built for the ex-Minister of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ex-chairman of NUKh Baiterek JSC ( 2013-2016) Kuandyk Bishimbaev on kickbacks from representatives of construction companies. Earlier, he entered into an agreement with prosecutors in the form of a plea bargain. According to the investigation, Bishimbayev, while working as the head of NMH Baiterek JSC (2013 – 2016), organized a criminal scheme during the construction of a plant for the production and processing of flat glass in Kyzylorda (the patrimony of Saparbayev and Nalibayevs) through the subordinate company Orda Glass LLP and its contractor Shymkentkhimmontazh LLP. (;
12. 2013/04/29 Terrible tragedy in East Kazakhstan region (East Kazakhstan region). On December 5, assistant to the deputy akim of the region Serik Abdenov threw himself out of the window on the fifth floor of the regional akmat of the East Kazakhstan region… The tragedy occurred on Saturday morning after the assistant spoke with his supervisor. After that, the guy jumped out of the toilet window on the fifth floor of the akimat. In serious condition, he was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the emergency hospital in Ust-Kamenogorsk, where he died at about four o’clock in the afternoon. The deceased has a wife and a small child. However, according to information from reliable sources, the akim of the East Kazakhstan region Berdibek Saparbayev, under threat of dismissal, banned the investigation to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs, General Kalmukhamet Kasymov, instructing him to register it as an accident while drunk or as a result of a mental disorder. Akimat employees at an emergency meeting held on Sunday morning by Berdibek Saparbayev are personally prohibited from disclosing any information on this fact. Meanwhile, some employees claim that the reason for the last conflict of the deceased with his boss was the young man’s refusal to carry out the instructions of the leadership to organize, at his own expense, another Saturday party with the involvement of girls for the akim and his deputies. In addition, the assistant tried to resist his involvement in corrupt management schemes and assuming the role of an intermediary in receiving bribes. Despite the bans, the news quickly appeared on the local news portal and caused a lot of responses. One of them contains an appeal from Sabina Akhatova, who introduced herself as an employee of the akimat. In the message, the style of work of the VKO leadership is called “lawlessness” and “the process of destroying experienced personnel.” As arguments, the facts of the recent death of the director of the regional drama theater Rustem Esdauletov, the death of an employee of the akimat Ivanov from a heart attack, and yesterday’s tragedy with the death of the assistant deputy. akim. Currently, akim Berdibek Saparbayev has given a personal order to take measures to dismiss Sabina Akhatova and everyone involved in organizing the leak of information about this emergency. The Presidential Administration also instructed to prevent the dissemination of information about this incident in the media. As you know, Berdibek Saparbayev is the personal protege of the head of the Presidential Administration Aslan Musin. In turn, one of the main culprits of the tragedy, thirty-year-old deputy mayor Serik Abdenov, is known as an old and devoted ally of Berdibek Saparbayev, who has worked with him over the past five years. According to the Akimat’s staff, Serik Abdenov has always been inclined to humiliation and insult to employees, regularly used obscene language in conversation and at meetings and abused alcohol. According to eyewitnesses, on the day of the tragedy, akim Berdibek Saparbayev and his deputy Serik Abdenov were in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication ( regularly used obscene language in conversation and at meetings and abused alcohol. According to eyewitnesses, on the day of the tragedy, akim Berdibek Saparbayev and his deputy Serik Abdenov were in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication ( regularly used obscene language in conversation and at meetings and abused alcohol. According to eyewitnesses, on the day of the tragedy, akim Berdibek Saparbayev and his deputy Serik Abdenov were in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication (
13. 2017/04/10 Aktobe Akimat was already different last year when it was going to buy three chairs for 1.75 million, a waterfall for 1.6 million and a set of dishes for half a million. “It is not necessary to get carried away with one source, so that tomorrow there will be no claim that they gave preference to one, their own. If 70% of our projects are from a single source, then this will be a manifestation of corruption. I myself know how to do it from one source, ”the journalists quote Saparbayev’s words ( ).
14. 2020/11/19 And only then Birtanov came to the ruins of the reform. By the way, his work was supervised in the rank of deputy prime ministers, in addition to the already mentioned Dossayev, the current akims of Zhambyl and Kyzylorda regions, Berdibek Saparbayev and Gulshara Abdykalikova . Their scandal around the former Minister of Health did not affect them in any way. For a general understanding, it does not happen in our country that a minister comes and starts reforming his industry on his own, without agreeing with anyone. He receives general directions in the presidential administration and acts in line with instructions from there. And the approval for the detention of ministers is also given by the AP. That is, they came up with it themselves, agreed and decided to plant it themselves? ( ;
15. What is allowed to Nazarbayev is also allowed to Saparbayev. Akim’s sons climbed into power / BASE. Saparbayev is an active conductor of Chinese expansion in Kazakhstan. Fired the deputy mayor of the Aktobe region, Sara Nurkatova, for the fact that her son and daughter-in-law worked in the field that she supervised ( a-akima-polezli-vo-vlast-base.html ).
16. 2018/06/22 He is not Bordyurbek / BASE for you. As akim of Aktobe region in the third region in a row, he was engaged in the replacement of curbs, even those that were in good condition. “Bordyurbek” is a nickname from the residents of East Kazakhstan region ( ).
T A B L E No. 1
Relatives and protections of Berdibek Saparbayeva
№п / п | FULL NAME | Date of Birth | Relation degree | Occupation | Children, family |
1. | Saparbaev Berdybek Mashbekovich | 09.02.1953 | Person | Akim of Zhambyl region (from 10.02.2020), Honorary President of the Handball Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. | Spouse Saparbayeva Kaldygaysha Zeynullovna (01/30/1955) Three children Sister Nalibaeva Lyazzat Mashbekovna. Father’s cousin Altynbekov Baltash. |
2. | Saparbaeva Akbota Berdibekovna | 24.02.1978 | Daughter | Founder LLP “ALUA ELBOR AND COMPANY”, has IP “Saparbayeva AB” | Husband (from June 2019) Abdymomunov Nurjan Kurmanbekovich (02/06/1978) – General Director of LLP “Samruk-Kazyna Invest” (2018), a former diplomat and deputy chairman of the board of JSC “Kazpost” .Flowers Kulzhabaeva Aloys (born in 2000 ); Kulzhabaev Arlan (born in 2012) Father of her husband Abdymomunov Kurmanbek Abdymomunovich (11/17/1949) – pharmacist, colonel of medical service, was the head of the military department of the Almaty State Medical Institute (2004-10); mother of her husband Sagitova Saule Orazovna ( 08.24.1950 ) – doctor, head of the company “SAKESHA” and the HOUSING COOPERATIVE “SHYRSHA”, has an individual entrepreneur “SAGITOVA”. Husband’s brother Abdymomunov Azamat Kurmanbekovich(08.21.1975) – Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2015), former Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and employee of the Presidential Administration; daughter-in-law of Abdymomunova Leyla Myrzadanovna (01/23/1969) – Director of the “Public Investment Fund” in the UAE (since 2020), held various positions in the Kazakh and Ukrainian offices of the “Boston Consulting Group” (2011-20), previously at various times worked in the Presidential Administration RK, head of the EBRD office in Astana, independent director of JSC “NC“ KTZ ”(since 2013); 5 nephews, including Abdymomunov Dinmukhamed Azamatovich – in Scotland works as an insurance consultant “Aflac” (since 2020) and studies at the University of Glasgow Adam Smith Business School (since 2021), previously in the United States he worked as a journalist in New York (2019-20) and studied at Indiana University (2013- 18), Clark Middle School (2008-09); Abdymomunova Malika Azamatovna – a student of the University of British Columbia (Canada), previously studied at the Almaty QSI International School Brother of the husband’s mother Sagitov Abai Orazovich (08/18/1945) – scientist in the field of plant protection, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ex- Director of LLP “KAZAKH SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE AND CROP”; sister of the husband’s mother Sagitova Nazira Orazovna – doctor, head and founder of ALTYNAI COMPANY LLP, ALTYNAI MAX LLP, ALTYNAI PLUS LLP. Brother of daughter-in-law Azamat Myrzadanovich Dzholdasbekov (born in 1962) – Chairman of the Board of Insurance Payments Guarantee Fund JSC (since 2019 ), former independent director of Central Securities Depository JSC and President of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC; his wife Dzholdasbekova (Gaidukova) Elena Nikolaevna (02/28/1963); their children Dzholdasbekov Arsen Azamatovich (04/28/1989) and Egeubaeva Alina Azamatovna (11/09/1983) – IP “EGEUBAEVA A.A.”, ex-founder of LLP “ALBA DINAMIC”, their grandchildren: Egeubaev Dariy Aidarovich (01.02.2009), Egeubaev Dair Aydarovich (09.11.2010) and Egeubaev Dimash Aydarovich (02.07.2015); their son-in-law Aydar Argingazievich Egeubaev (08/20/1977) – lawyer, vice-president for legal support of KAZPETRODRILLING JSC, head of Voronov & Partners LLP, member of the Board of Trustees of Transparency Kazakhstan PF (since 2020), lecturer at KIMEP University, ex – founder of ALBA DINAMIC LLP. |
3. | Saparbaev Baurzhan Berdibekovich | 1983-2002 | Son | Killed in 2002 in a car accident | |
4. | Saparbaev Zhansultan Berdibekovich | 08.04.1991 | Son | Head of the Department of Transport and Development of Road and Transport Infrastructure of the city of Nur-Sultan. He is a co-founder of ALUA ELBOR AND COMPANY LLP, a part-time official, which is prohibited by law. This is the basis for his dismissal. It is symbolic that Zhansultan is the son of an official who has never publicly boasted that neither he nor his relatives are affiliated persons of companies. Apparently, this is a long time ago. | Bektenov’s wife Adel Bekzhanovna (11.11.1992) – employee of ABAS Oil LLP. Daughter of Saparbayev Safiya Zhansultanovna (05/17/2018) Bektenov’s father-in-law Bekzhan Mukhtasifovich (12/13/1969) – Deputy General Director for Development of KazMunayGas JSC – refining and marketing (since 2015; in this structure since 2008), head of the petrol station network PETRORETAIL PFS LLP (since 2017), vice president for international relations of the KAZAKHSTAN BOXING FEDERATION (was the executive director until 2021), founder of OPUS LTD and NATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE RK; mother-in-law Bektenova Dinara Esentaevna (05/19/1969) – head of the BRANCH “VILED GROUP” LLP; brother of wife Bektenov Ersat Bektenovich (20.04.1991) – Director of the Procurement and Commerce Department of Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. LLP, previously worked as the Head of the Supply Planning and Optimization Department of NC KazMunayGas JSC; sister of Bektenov ‘s wife Eldana Bekzhanovna ( 03/15/2002 ) student at Westminster University (London, Great Britain). Father-in-law Bektenov Mukhtasif (02/19/1939); father-in-law brother Bektenov Adilzhan Mukhtasifovich ( 09.24.1965 ) – head of the PETRORETAIL LLP BRANCH FOR AKMOLA AND KOSTANAY REGIONS, head and founder of V.IP.-STROY LLP, ex-head of the BRANCH OF KAZMANAYGAS NIMYDER LLP ; BRANCH OF PETRORETAIL LLP IN THE CITY OF ASTANA AND PAVLODAR REGION; DAB-2006 LLP; father-in-law’s nephew Bektenov Ernar Adilzhanovich – Director and founder of LLP “WO INTER-SERVICE” and “KAZECOPROTECT” LLP, decorated FE “Bektenov” .Otets Tiffany Toylyubekov Esentai Musahanovich (05/29/1949) – Head of LLP “Batis Kraft SOLUTIONS”, the founder of LLP “ENERGY TRADINGGROUP”, ex – Head of LLP “ALMATARA”; mother-in-law Toylyubekova (Besbaeva) Amina Gataullovna (06/21/1949); Akynbekova ‘s mother-in-law’s sister Anna Esentaevna (08.22.1979). |
5. | Nalibaev Nurlybek Mashbekovich | 13.10.1976 | Brother, and possibly a son | Head of the Regional Development Department of the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan (from 04.2021). Ex-akim of the city of Kyzylorda (02.2013-04.2021), since 2005 has been working in various civil service positions in his native region. | Son and two daughters |
6. | Nalibaeva Aisara Mashbekovna | Sister | Head of the KGKP “Nursery Garden No. 12 Baldauren of the Akim Machinery of the Tomenaryk Rural District” (Zhanakorgan district, Kyzylorda region). | ||
7. | Nalibaev Alibek Mashbekovich | 01.01.1961 | Brother | Deputy of the Zhanakorgan regional maslikhat from the Nur Otan party (chairman of the previous convocation), head of DEU No. 50 of the Kyzylordynsky branch of Kazakhhavtodor LLP. Founder LLP “ZHANAKORGANGAZ”, PF “KOKEN BABA”, issued by FE “NALIBAYEV ALIBEK MASHBEKOVICH”. Was the director of the farm “BAKYTZHAN”. | 8 children.Syn Nalibayev Bakytzhan Alibekovich (04/06/1984) – head and founder of ZHANAGORGAN-KRYLYS-2010 LLP, ZHANAKORKAN-KORLEU AGRICULTURAL PC, Founder of CREDIT KAMARSHSTVO LLP, KHANO-EXCURSHSTVO “, Had an individual entrepreneur” NALIBAYEV BAKYTZHAN “. Daughters Nalibayeva Zhamal Alibekovna (28.07.1985) – Head of the KSU SPECIAL KINDERGARTEN” OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IN ZHANAKORGAN DISTRICT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE KYZYLASTINA REGION “; Mashbekova Asylzat Alibekovna (12.02.1995) – founder of the AGRICULTURAL PC “ZHANAGORGAN – ORLEU”, studied law at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, lives in Almaty. |
8. | Nalibaev Batyrbek Mashbekovich | 02.09.1963 | Brother | Head of Shanyrak Shuagy LLP, Zhanakorgan Ak Shuak LLP, IP NALIBAEV BATYRBEK MASHBEKOVICH | |
9. | Nalibaev Pazylbek Mashbekovich | Brother | Police Colonel, one of the last positions held – Deputy Head of the Police Department of the Kyzylorda region. Earlier, at various times, he headed the Zhanakorgan District Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kyzylorda region. Founder of the public organization “Federation of Kazakh kuresy of Zhanakorgan region”. | Son Nalibayev Azimbek Pazylbekovich (10.12.1991) – Head of the Department of Housing Construction and Development of IKI for New Development of the Committee for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. | |
10. | Nalibaeva Sarakul Mashbekovna | 06.09.1968 | Sister | Deputy Director for Schools of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Additional Education of Al-Farabi KazNU. Co-founder of Electromedservice Aikad LLP. | |
11. | Shermaganbet Meirambek Zinabdinovich | 25.12.1972 | Protege, probably nephew | Deputy Akim of Aktobe region (from March 2020). Ex-akim of the Kobdinsky district of the Aktobe region. He made a successful career in the Aktobe region under the akim Saparbayev, began his career, including in the civil service, in his native Zhanakorgan district of the Kyzylorda region. | Daughter Aziza Meyrambekovna (02.22.1995). Father Shermaganbetov Zinabdin ( 11.12.1943 ) – chairman of the council of veterans of Zhanakorgan region, head of the veteran charitable foundation “ZHANAKORGAN DAMUY”. Former director of boarding school No. 3 (2006-12) and head of the education department in Zhanakorgan region (1999-2005). Brother Shermaganbetov Nizamidin Zinabdinovich ( 05.19.1968 ) – founder of CENTER PROJECT LLP. KZ ”, LLP“ ORDA STROY INVEST ”(bankrupt since 2020), Public Association“ ONER-UMIR ”, has FE“ Shermaganbetov Nizamidin Zinabdinovich ”. Former head of ASK KURYLIS-COMPANIES LLP . Has debts for 2 enforcement proceedings totaling 177.9 million tenge. His bank accounts are blocked, there is a temporary restriction on leaving the country, there is a ban on notarial actions. Sisters Shermaganbet ova Korkem Zinabdinovna (05/30/1975); Shermaganbet ova Aigul Zinabdinovna (28.11.1977) – the head of FE “Shermaganbetova Aigul Zinabdinovna”. She was the founder of the Ust-Kamenogorsk LLP “ALASH QURYLYS QZ” (2013-2015), exactly at the time when Saparbayev worked as akim of the East Kazakhstan region; Shermaganbet ( Shermaganbetova ) Aliya Zinabdinovna(05/26/1980) – presenter “Kazak Radiosy”, co-founder of the Public Association “ONER-MIR”, ex-press secretary of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Kyzylorda; Uncle Shermagambetov Kamaldin – Senior Researcher of the Department of Agrotechnology, Melioration and Soil Science LLP “Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Rice Cultivation named after I. Zhakhaeva “National Agricultural Research and Education Center” NJSC. |
12. | Nalibaeva Sheker Kenzhebekovna | 28.01.1957 | Relative (probably) spouse of a protégé | Founder of BATSU-KUZET LLP, BATSUTRANSGAZ LLP, BATSU-AGRO LLP and Nur-A LLP, head of SHARDARAENERGO LLP. Ex-founder of BATSU-PROJECT LLP; the ex-head of “COMPUTER CENTER” MADINA “LLP (2001-02) and” BEREN “LLP has an individual entrepreneur” NALIBAYEVA SHEKER KENZHEBEKOVNA “. | Husband Abishev Islam Almakhanovich ( 05.12.1956 ). Son Islam Erseit Islamovich (08.10.1997) – head and founder of COMPUTER CENTER MADINA LLP. Daughters Abisheva Gulmira Islamovna (05.06.1979) – head and founder of BATSU-AGRO LLP , LLP “MEDICAL CONSULTATIVE-DIAGNOSTIC CENTER” NEOVITA “, head of TOO” BEREN “(formerly called” BATSU STROY “), founder of LLP” BATSU-VODOKANAL “, LLP” BATSU-SAUDA “, LLP” Nur-B “, has an individual entrepreneur “ABISHEVA GULMIRA ISLAMOVNA”; Abisheva Bayan Islamovna (06.10.1986) – the founder of BATSU-AGRO LLP, owns the FE “ABISHEVA BAYAN ISLAMOVNA”; Islamova Ayim Islamovna (26.10.1993) – head of BEREN ESTATEDEVELOPMENT LLP, founder of NFACTORIALSCHOOL LLP, ex-manager for investment projects of BATSU-VODOKANAL LLP. Daughter Islam Madina Islamovna (08.03.1984) – head and founder of CONSTRUCTIONQUALITY CONTROL LLP , the founder of BATSU-AGRO LLP, has the ISLAM MADINA IE, the head of BATSU-PROJECT LLP; son-in-law (husband of Madina) Zhaksybayev Bakhyt Kalmurzaevich (04.11.1981) – head and founder of COMFORT-1 LLP and MALIS PROM LLP, founder of CHEECHAKO LLP, ex-chairman of the board of BAITEREK DEVELOPMENT JSC and KAZAKHSTAN CENTER JSC MODERNIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES ” ; grandchildren of Kalmurza Ali Bakhytovich (04/13/2011) and Kalmurza Malika Bakhytovna(06/25/2013); matchmaker Dzhaksibaeva Kuldarkul Zheleubaevna (09/21/1957) – Head of LLP “preschool mini-centers” MALIKA “CHU” nursery “Buran” has SP “DZHAKSIBAEVA” .Brat Nalibayev Alibek Kenzhebekovich -Head and founder of Open Company “ALPHA PLUS” ALFASTOCK LLP, founder of AROMEBEL LLP . Brother Nalibaev Kalimzhan Kenzhebekovich – ex-head of KALIZHAN IK LLP, KH NALIBAEV KALIZHAN; Nalibaeva’s niece Baldzhan Kalizhanovna is the head of ADVALOREM KUNGASAY LLP. Sisters Nalibaeva Aliya Kenzhebekovna – founder of PROMVENTSISTEMTRANS LLP and BUSINESS CENTER ESCO LLP, ex-head of BARS-KRYLYS LLP, BATSU-VODOKANAL LLP, ZHASA SK LLP, BEREN ESTATE DEVELOPMENT LLP, BATSU-SAUDA LLP , LLP “ATORKYN” and LLP “BADAM-KUM LTD”; Nalibaeva Karakoz Kenzhebekovna – the head of LLP “BATSUTRANSGAZ”, has an individual entrepreneur “NALIBAYEVA K.K.” |
13. | Abishev Islam Almakhanovich | 12.05.1956 | Protege, husband of a relative (probably) | Former chairman of the Committee on Water Resources of the relevant ministry (02.2012-07.2013; 04.2014-03.2019), ex-president of the World Federation for “Kazakhsha Kures” (2017-2019). Earlier, at various times, under the leadership of Saparbayev, he worked as akim of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk (2009-12), akim of the Ordabasy region of SKO (2000-02). On February 18, 2020, he was found guilty of attempted bribe taking in the amount of more than 60 million tenge, by extortion for concluding an agreement on the reconstruction of the Sokolovsky water pipeline. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but on 06/03/2021 he was released early from prison due to age. | Brother Abishev Eralkhan Almakhanovich ( 01.24.1961 ) – singer, head and founder of PRODUCTION CENTER MURAGER LLP, founder of the REPUBLICAN PA KAZAKHSTAN SOCIETY FOR MANAGING THE RIGHTS OF INTELLECTUAL RK PROPERTY HOUSE; nephew Abishev Zhandos Eralkhanovich – head and founder of MBA LLP STROYSERVICE HOLDING ”and“ MADEN KOMMERZ ”LLP, has FE“ ABISHEV ”, ex-founder of“ BOKEI ”LLP. Brother Abishov Nuraly Almakhanovich (07.07.1967) – deputy of the Turkestan regional maslikhat from the“ Nur Otan ”party; head and founder of BOKEI LLP, founder of COMBISTROY-I LLP, former head and founder of BURTE MILKA LLP, NURALY AND COMPANY PC, AGRO-NK-A LLP, AGRO-NK-5 LLP ; nephew Abishev Bokeikhan Nuralievich – head of BURTE MILKA LLP. Brother Abishov Kanybek Almakhanovich – head of ORDABEK LLP, founder of TAIBURYL NK LLP, has an individual entrepreneur “ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH”. Former head and founder of TALANT-LOGAS LLP, AGRO-NK-A LLP, AGRO-NK-5 LLP, BURTE MILKA LLP, MUKHAYE LLP, ex-head of BATSU-AGRO LLP, LLP “BOKEI”. Brother Abishev Talant Almakhanovich – founder of LLP “TALANT-CAPITAL”, registered by FE “ABISHEV TALANT ALMAKHANULY”, ex-head of LLP “ORDABEK”, former head and founder of LLP “BADAM-KUM LTD”. |
14. | Ispanov Ilyas Saparbekovich | 01.01.1976 | Protege | Head of the Committee for State Material Reserves of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2019). He worked under the head of Saparbayev as a specialist, then as an assistant to the akim of South Kazakhstan oblast (1999-2002), deputy, then 1st deputy chairman of the agency of customs administration of the city of Astana (2003-2005), akim of the city of Aktobe (2016-2019), was the head of the NGO “FEDERATION HORSE SPORTS OF THE AKTUBINSK REGION “AҚTENGER”. He worked in the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Supreme Court. | Spouse Sartaeva Gavhar Pulatovna (04.06.1975) – IP «SARTAEVA GP» Daughters Saparbek Asem Ilyasovna (1997) and Saparbek Zere Ilyasovna (2010) Son of Saparbek Shyngys Ilyasovich (2000) – student of Nazarbayev University; Mekenbaev areas Ilyasovich (2005 GR) Whitney Испанова Zhamshi Сапарбековна – The head of РГУ “САРЫАГАШСКОЕ district of the Department of КАЗНАЧЕЙСТВА Controle КАЗНАЧЕЙСТВА PO ТУРКЕСТАНСКОЙ REGION Committee of the Ministry of Finance of RK КАЗНАЧЕЙСТВА” Did .Брат Сартаев, Ahmed Пулатович(15.12.1973) – founder of DATACOM LTD. LLP, ZELENY BOR LTD LLP, SISTEMA-100 LLP, VILGUD ASTANA LLP, TECHCENTR VILGUD LLP. Supervised LLP “TURKISTAN SAUDA-2005” (2007-18), which is the founder of LLP “TURGUSUN-1” together with the enterprise of the son of Danial Akhmetov and the husband of the sister “Prorab”. Sisters of the wife of Sartaeva Gulbahor Pulatovna (19.01.1978) – LLP “ARBITRAZH KAZAKHSTAN “, FE” ALMA “; Sartaeva Elmira Pulatovna (31.10.1988) – LLP “EDAN”. |
15. | Nurgaliev Erbol Zholdaspekovich | 10.02.1975 | Protege | Chairman of the Committee for Labor, Social Protection and Migration of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2019). Earlier, at various times, he worked under the leadership of Saparbayev as deputy akim of the Aktobe region (2017-18), director of the State Institution “Internal Policy Department of the Aktobe region” (2015-17), head of the internal policy department of the East Kazakhstan region (2011-2015), deputy akim of the Kokpekty region of the East Kazakhstan region ( 2009-2011). | 4 children Brother, also a protege of Saparbayev Nurgaliev Nurbol Zholdaspekovich (02/10/1975) – head of the development block of the branch of JSC “NC” KTZh “-” Business transformation center “, ex-akim of Kurchatov East Kazakhstan region (since 2014), ex-deputy akim Semey EKR (2012-14) under the akim of the region Saparbayev; 2 nephews. Brother Nurgaliev Raiym Zholdaspekovich – Director of KSU “BESKARAGAY COLLEGE” OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF EASTERN KAZAKHSTAN REGION. |
16. | Abdenov Serik Sakbaldievich | 15.01.1977 | Protege | Ex-Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “NC“ KTZ ”(2018-04.2021). Previously, at various times, he worked under the leadership of Saparbayev as the first deputy akim of the East Kazakhstan region (2009-12), the deputy akim of the East Kazakhstan region (2009), and the vice minister of labor and social protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2007-09). Then he held the post of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012-13), worked in the system of KazMunayGas JSC (2013-18). | The wife of Abdenova Karlygash Alimovna (08/07/1976) is a native of Almaty, in 1993 she graduated from school No. 41 named after Karsakbayev in Almaty. At present she lives with her husband and children in Astana. Children Abdenova Aruna Serikovna ( 10/29/2000 ); Abdenova Adina Serikovna (31.03.2005), Abdenova Daniya Serikovna (04.09.2008 ), Abdenov Yeraly Serikovich (03.10.2014) Father Abdenov Sakbaldy Demeubaevich (26.08.1948); mother Abdenova Raisa Aydarkhanovna (10.01.1951) – FE “ABDENOVA RAISA AIDARKHANOVNA”. Brother Abdenov Maksut Sakboldinovich (02.10.1969) – FE “ABDENOV MAKSUT SAKBOLDINOVICH”. Sisters Zhunusova Gulmira Sakbaldievna(08.12.1970) – Head of ASTANA DEMEU SERVICE LLP; Abdenova Elmira Sakbaldievna (August 10, 1972). |
T A B L E No. 2
List of enterprises of relatives and families of the protege of Berdibek Saparbayev
№п / п | Name | Leaders | Founders | Date of registration | BIN (or INN) | OKED | Address (AS) | Attitude (connection) |
1. | REPUBLICAN PA “KAZAKHSTAN FEDERATION OF HANDBALL” | TURLYKHANOVA GULNAR ISMAGULOVNA; Saparbayev BERDIBEK MASHBEKOVICH (honorary president) | 26.11.1993 | 931140000564 | Other activities in the field of physical culture and sports (93190) | Almaty city, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT, ABAY AVENUE, 48 “A” (751410000) | Person | |
2. | LLP “ALUA ELBOR AND COMPANY” (has debts in taxes and customs payments) | SMAKOV DULAT ASKAROVICH | Saparbayeva Aibota Berdibekovna; Saparbayev Zhansultan Berdibekuly | 25.11.2003 | 031240008525 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT, ZHAROKOVA STREET, 322A (751410000) | Son and daughter |
3. | IP “SAPARBAEVA AB” | SAPARBAEVA AIBOTA BERDIBEKOVNA | Not provided | 10.09.2008 | 780224400372 | Other catering activities not elsewhere classified (56299). As well as taxi activities. | г. Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT (751410000) | Daughter |
4. | ASAD COMPANY LLP | GAZIZOV GARIFULLA KABYKENOVICH | SYZDYKOV TURSYNBAI MUSTAFAULY ; ASKAROVA MARINA MUNIROVNA ; SAPARBAEV ZHANSULTAN BERDIBEKULY (former founder) | 13.05.2009 | 090540006290 | Manufacture of paper products for household and sanitary purposes (17220) | Akmola region, KOKSHETAU G.A., G. KOKSHETAU, STREET E.N.AUELBEKOVA, 115A (111010000) | Son |
5. | ZHANAKORGAN GAZ LLP (has debts in taxes and customs payments) | DAURENBEKOV ALMASBEK OSPANOVICH | NALIBAEV ALIBEK MASHBEKOVICH | 25.06.2001 | 010640005443 | Other retail sale in specialized stores (47789). And also retail trade in fuel. | Kyzylorda region, ZHANAKORGAN DISTRICT, ZHANAKORGANSKY S.O., S. ZHANAKORGAN, STREET ALSHEKEY BEKTIBAYEV, 50 (434030100) | Brother Alibek |
6. | IP “NALIBAEV ALIBEK MASHBEKOVICH” | NALIBAEV ALIBEK MASHBEKOVICH | Not provided | Growing of cereals and leguminous crops, including seed production (01111) | Kyzylorda region, ZHANAKORGAN DISTRICT, S.O. THEM. MASHBEKA NALIBAYEVA, S. AKZHOL (434031100) | Brother Alibek | ||
9. | CJSC “BAKYTZHAN” | SHERNIYAZOVA MOLDIR ABAEVNA; NALIBAEV BAKYTZHAN ALIBEKOVICH (was until 18.05.2021); NALIBAEV ALIBEK MASHBEKOVICH (was the head) | Not provided | 25.04.2001 | 030564020494 | Horse breeding (01431). And also the cultivation of oilseeds and their seeds, cereals and legumes, rice, fodder crops and their seeds, breeding cattle and buffaloes, camels, sheep and goats. 10 thousandth flock, which is subsidized from the state for 195 million tenge. It became a VAT payer only from 29.07.2019. | Kyzylorda region, ZHANAKORGAN DISTRICT, S.O. THEM. MASHBEKA NALIBAYEVA, S. AKZHOL (434031100) | Brother Alibek and nephew Bakytzhan |
11. | LLP “CREDIT COMPANY” KAMKORSHY “ | ERKISHEV ERBOL DUISENKHANOVICH | NALIBAYEV BAKYTZHAN ALIBEKOVICH and 113 more natural persons-founders | 15.04.2002 | 20440000887 | Other types of lending (64929) | Kyzylorda region, ZHANAKORGAN DISTRICT, ZHANAKORGANSKY S.O., S. ZHANAKORGAN, AVENUE AMANGELDI IMANOV, 132 (434030100) | Nephew Bakytzhan |
12. | FE “NALIBAYEV BAKYTZHAN ” (inactive since 09/08/2020; has debts in taxes and customs payments; was a participant in public procurement) | NALIBAEV BAKYTZHAN ALIBEKOVICH | Not provided | 25.04.2001 | He had licenses to issue a state mark for tractors and trailers, conduct their annual state inspection, approve land management projects for the formation of land plots | Kyzylorda region, ZHANAKORGAN DISTRICT, S.O. THEM. MASHBEKA NALIBAYEVA, S. AKZHOL (434031100) | Nephew Bakytzhan | |
13. | OOI “SHANYRAK SHUAGY” | NALIBAEV BATYRBEK MASHBEKOVICH | 11 individual founders | 10.03.2016 | 160340010148 | Activities of other public organizations nec (94990) | Kyzylorda region, ZHANAKORGAN DISTRICT, ZHANAKORGANSKY S.O., S. ZHANAKORGAN, SHONABAYEV STREET, 49 (434030100) | Brother Batyrbek |
14. | ZHANAKORGAN AK SHUAK LLP | NALIBAEV BATYRBEK MASHBEKOVICH | OOI “SHANYRAK SHUAGY” | 17.03.2016 | 160340018728 | Activities of health resort organizations (86103) | Kyzylorda region, ZHANAKORGAN DISTRICT, ZHANAKORGANSKY S.O., S. ZHANAKORGAN, MUSAKHANOVA STREET, 2 (434030100) | Brother Batyrbek |
15. | FE “NALIBAYEV BATYRBEK MASHBEKOVICH” (possibly inactive) | NALIBAEV BATYRBEK MASHBEKOVICH | Not provided | 25.04.2001 | 630902302000 | Agriculture | Kyzylorda region, ZHANAKORGAN DISTRICT, S.O. THEM. MASHBEKA NALIBAYEVA (434031100) | Brother Batyrbek |
16. | NGO “FEDERATION OF KAZAKH KURESY OF ZHANAKORGANSK DISTRICT” | AHMETOV MADIYAR | NALIBAYEV PAZYLBEK MASHBEKOVICH and other founders-individuals | 21.12.2009 | 091240014114 | Activities of other public organizations nec (94990) | Kyzylorda region, ZHANAKORGAN DISTRICT, ZHANAKORGANSKY S.O., S. ZHANAKORGAN, ARALBAEVA STREET, 41 (434030100) | Brother Pazylbek |
17. | LLP “ELECTROMED-SERVICE AYKAD” | SHOKHAEV ERLAN NURLANOVICH | NALIBAEVA SARAKUL MASHBEKOVNA; DAUYLBAEV KADIR NASEKENOVICH; SHOKHAEV ERLAN NURLANOVICH | 18.06.2015 | 150640017540 | Activities of other institutions performing technical testing and analysis ( 71209) | Almaty region, KARASAY DISTRICT, RAYYMBEKSKY S.O., S. RAYYMBEK, SECTION U, 434A (195253100) | Sister Sarakul |
18. | “ABAS OIL” | SHAMILEV ASLANBEK NIYAZBEKOVICH; BEKTENOVA ADEL BEKZHANOVNA (manager, contact person) | TAKAMBAEV NIYAZBEK SHAMILEVICH; MOLDASHEV BEYBIT ZHENISOVICH | 19.02.2013 | 130240021451 | Wholesale trade in motor gasoline (46716). As well as wholesale trade in diesel fuel. | Astana city, ALMATY DISTRICT, STREET 101, 43 (711110000) | Adele’s daughter-in-law |
19. | PETRORETAIL PFS LLP (its founder was established in 2018 12 days before the auction for the sale of the state network of gas stations; public procurement participant (supplier) since 2019; supplier and customer SAMRUK-KAZYNA JSC) | BEKTENOV BEKZHAN MUHTASIFOVICH | PETRORETAIL LLP (among its owners is the company KULIBAEVA TIMUR ASKAROVICH) | 08.12.2009 | 091240004926 | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). As well as lease (sublease) and operation of the rented real estate. | Astana city, DISTRICT ESIL, AVENUE TURAN, 1 (711210000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
20. | OPUS LTD LLP (participant in 2 court cases; sale of seized property; has a ban on notarial actions) | AKYNBEKOV KANAT BAKASHOVICH | BEKTENOV BEKZHAN MUHTASIFOVICH | 08.06.2006 | 60640000696 | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). As well as the activities of restaurants and the provision of services for the delivery of food, with the exception of the activities of facilities located on the roadside. | Almaty region, KAPCHAGAY G.A., G. KAPCHAGAY, MICRODAYON 2, D. 1, KV. 6 (191610000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
21. | ALE IN THE FORM OF THE “KAZAKHSTAN BOXING FEDERATION” ASSOCIATION | RAKISHEV KENES KHAMITULY; BEKTENOV BEKZHAN MUKHTASIFOVICH (Vice President for International Relations; was the Executive Director until 2021) | 02.11.2004 | 041140001912 | Activities of other membership-based organizations n.e.c. (94990) | г. Astana, BAYKONUR DISTRICT, SAKEN SEIFULLIN STREET, 35 (711410000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova | |
22. | PA “NATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE of the RK” | KULIBAEV TIMUR ASKAROVICH | BEKTENOV BEKZHAN MUKHTASIFOVICH and 9 founders of physics | 26.02.1992 | 920240001531 | Other activities in the field of physical culture and sports (93190) | Astana, ESIL DISTRICT, AVENUE TURAN, 18 (711210000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
23. | LLP “KAZAKHSTAN OLYMPIC TRAINING CENTER” | NOGERBEK NURLAN | NGO “NATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE of the RK”; NOGERBEK NURLAN | 06.12.2017 | 171240004550 | Physical comfort activities (96040) | Astana, ESIL DISTRICT, AVENUE TURAN, 18 (711210000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
24. | BRANCH LLP “VILED GROUP” (VILED GROUP) (more than 50 employees) | BEKTENOVA DINARA ESENTAEVNA | Not provided | 20.03.2007 | 070341008925 | Other retail sale in non-specialized stores, which are commercial facilities, with a sales area of less than 2,000 sq. m (47191) | Astana city, ESIL DISTRICT, STREET DOSTYK, 9 (711210000) | Relatives of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
25. | BETI GROUP LLP | TIESOVA LAURA ELTAEVNA | BEKTENOVA DINARA ESENTAEVNA; TIESOVA LAURA ELTAEVNA | 02.03.2017 | 170340002357 | Other retail sale in non-specialized stores (47191) | г. Astana, ESIL DISTRICT, DOSTYK STREET, 9, OFFICE OFFICE 24 (711210000) | Relatives of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
26. | BRANCH OF PETRORETAIL LLP IN AKMOLA AND KOSTANAY REGIONS | BEKTENOV ADILZHAN MUHTASIFOVICH | Not provided | 25.02.2019 | 190241031891 | Retail sale of motor fuel in specialized stores, with the exception of those located on the roadside (47301). As well as wholesale trade in motor gasoline and diesel fuel. | Akmola region, KOKSHETAU G.A., KOKSHETAU, STREET 8 MARCH, 51 (111010000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
27. | LLP “V.I.P.-STROY” | BEKTENOV ADILZHAN MUHTASIFOVICH | BEKTENOV ADILZHAN MUHTASIFOVICH | 18.07.2005 | 050740000043 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Astana, BAIKONUR DISTRICT, ABAYA AVENUE, 45/1, KV. 28 (711410000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
28. | DAB-2006 LLP | KUMEKBAEVA ELVIRA DZHUMABEKOVNA; BEKTENOV ADILZHAN MUHTASIFOVICH (former head) | 14.04.2006 | 060440000024 | Newspaper Printing (18110) | Akmola region, KOKSHETAU G.A., KOKSHETAU, STREET POTANINA, 31 (111010000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova | |
29. | JO INTER-SERVICE LLP | BEKTENOV YERNAR ADILZHANOVICH | BEKTENOV YERNAR ADILZHANOVICH | 20.06.2005 | 050640016224 | Construction of residential buildings (41201). As well as activities in the field of architecture, with the exception of nuclear facilities and nuclear energy. | Almaty city, ALMALINSKY DISTRICT, STREET ZHELTOKSAN, 114, KV. 2 (751110000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
30. | KAZECOPROTECT LLP (KAZECOPROTECT) | BEKTENOV YERNAR ADILZHANOVICH | BEKTENOV ERNAR ADILZHANOVICH; SMOLIN EVGENY; PEDOSENKO VITALY; IPOLITOV EUGENE | 14.11.2017 | 171140017281 | Activities contributing to crop production, other than the operation of irrigation systems (01611) | Almaty region, KARASAY DISTRICT, ELTAISKY S.O., S. KARATOBE, PEASANT FARM AKKH ZHETYSU, 492 (195233600) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
31. | IP “BEKTENOV” (BEKTENOV YERNAR ADILZHANOVICH) | BEKTENOV YERNAR ADILZHANOVICH | Not provided | 880429301974 | Other types of processing and preserving of fruits and vegetables (10390). As well as earthworks. | г. Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT (751410000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova | |
32. | WEST CRAFT SOLUTIONS LLP | TOYLYUBEKOV ESENTAY MUSAKHANOVICH | TOYLYUBEKOV ESENTAY MUSAKHANOVICH | 03.12.2020 | 201240003675 | Manufacture of wooden containers (16240) | Atyrauskaya oblast, ATYRAU GA, G. ATYRAU, STR. OTESHKALI ATAMBAEV, 5 (231010000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
33. | ТОО “ENERGY TRADING GROUP” | ISAEV SHUHRAT MAMETOVICH | TOYLYUBEKOV ESENTAY MUSAKHANOVICH | 31.10.2019 | 191040034846 | Wholesale of diesel fuel (46717). As well as wholesale trade in motor gasoline. | г. Astana, ALMATY DISTRICT, KAZHYMUKAN STREET, 8A (711110000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova |
34. | ALMATARA LLP | TOKSABANOVA SANDUGASH ADILKHANOVNA; TOYLUBEKOV ESENTAY MUSAKHANOVICH (former head) | 03.04.2017 | 170440001302 | Manufacture of wooden containers (16240) | г. Almaty, AUEZOVSKY DISTRICT, RYSKULBEKOVA STREET, 19/44, apt. 62 (751310000) | Relative of daughter-in-law Adel Bektenova | |
35. | HOUSING COOPERATIVE “SHYRSHA” | SAGITOVA SAULE ORAZOVNA | Not indicated | 17.04.2001 | 010440003456 | Property management on a fee or contract basis (68321) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, STR. OSPANOVA, 69 (751710000) | Relatives of the son-in-law of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nov |
36. | ИП “SAKESHA” | SAGITOVA SAULE ORAZOVNA | Not provided | 17.09.2016 | 500824400070 | Other retail sale in non-specialized stores, which are commercial facilities, with a sales area of less than 2,000 sq. m (47191). As well as the provision of other individual services not included in other groups. | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT (751710000) | Relatives of the son-in-law of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nov |
37. | LLP “LLP” BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP “(inactive since 26.04.2019; absent at the legal address) | MUKHAMEDYAROVA ZHIBEK KUANYSHBEK-KYZY; ABDYMOMUNOVA LEYLA MYRZADANOVNA (was a partner and director of personnel selection in 2013-20) | MUKHAMEDYAROVA ZHIBEK KUANYSHBEK-KYZY | 29.06.2016 | 160640026135 | Financial services other than insurance and pensions, n.e.c. (64999) | г. Astana, DISTRICT ALMATY, JANKENT STREET, 155, apt. 2 (711110000) | Relatives of the son-in-law of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nov |
38. | LLP “BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP LTD” (absent at the legal address) | MUKHAMEDYAROVA ZHIBEK KUANYSHBEK-KYZY; ABDYMOMUNOVA LEYLA MYRZADANOVNA (was a partner and director of personnel selection in 2013-20) | MUKHAMEDYAROVA ZHIBEK KUANYSHBEK-KYZY | 30.09.2016 | 160940031698 | Billing and accounting activities (69202) | г. Astana, BAIKONUR DISTRICT, SHOLPAN IMANBAEVA STREET, 8/1, KV. 25 (711410000) | Relatives of the son-in-law of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nov |
39. | ALTYNAY COMPANY | SAGITOVA NAZIRA ORAZOVNA | SAGITOVA NAZIRA ORAZOVNA; ZHAUGASHEV RAKHAT | 06.05.1996 | 990140006086 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT, STREET BASENOVA, 27 (751410000) | Relatives of the son-in-law of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nov |
40. | ALTYNAY MAX MOUNTAIN | SAGITOVA NAZIRA ORAZOVNA | SAGITOVA NAZIRA ORAZOVNA | 26.07.2006 | 060740009554 | Retail sale of pharmaceutical goods in specialized stores (47731) | Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT, STREET BASENOVA, 27 (751410000) | Relatives of the son-in-law of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nov |
41. | ALTYNAY PLUS LLP | SAGITOVA NAZIRA ORAZOVNA | SAGITOVA NAZIRA ORAZOVNA | 26.07.2006 | 060740009564 | Retail sale of pharmaceutical goods in specialized stores (47731) | Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT, STREET BASENOVA, 27 (751410000) | Relatives of the son-in-law of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nov |
42. | LLP “EDITORIAL AND CORRECTOR BUREAU No. 1” | OSTROVSKAYA YULIA ANATOLIEVNA | DZHOLDASBEKOV AZAMAT MYRZADANOVICH; OSTROVSKAYA YULIA ANATOLYEVNA; KUZNETSOVA NATALIA VIKTOROVNA | 18.05.2016 | 160540015403 | Other professional, scientific and technical activities not included in other categories (74909) | г. Almaty, MEDEU DISTRICT, AMANZHOLOVA STREET, 3, apt. 2 (751710000) | A relative of the son-in-law of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nov |
43. | ALBA DINAMIC LLP (inactive since 21.09.2020) | KURMANGALIEV DIAS DAULENOVICH | KURMANGALIEV DIAS DAULENOVICH; EGEUBAEVA ALINA AZAMATOVNA; EGEUBAEV AIDAR ARGINGAZIEVICH | 04.12.2014 | 141240004298 | Other Software Publishing (58290) | Almaty city, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT, AL-FARABI AVENUE, 7, KV. 223 (751410000) | Relatives of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nova |
44. | IP “EGEUBAEVA AA” | EGEUBAEVA ALINA AZAMATOVNA | Not provided | 15.04.2021 | 831109400440 | Retail sale by mail order or the Internet (47910) | г. Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT (751410000) | Relatives of the son-in-law of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nov |
45. | VORONOV & PARTNERS LLP | EGEUBAEV AIDAR ARGINGAZIEVICH | EGEUBAEV AIDAR ARGINGAZIEVICH; VORONOVA ELENA LEONIDOVNA | 23.02.2021 | 210240034778 | Other activities in the field of law (69109) | Almaty, MEDEUSKIY DISTRICT, STREET TULEBAYEVA, 17, apt. 36 (751710000) | A relative of the son-in-law of Nurzhan Abdymomu-nov |
46. | LLP “CENTER PROJECT. KZ “(has debts for 1 enforcement proceedings; absent at the specified legal address) | SHERMAGANBETOV NIZAMIDIN | SHERMAGANBETOV NIZAMIDIN. Mysteriously, the second founder is indicated by the patronymic: “ZINABDINOVICH” With this patronymic, Nizamidin has only one brother, SHERMAGANBET MEIRAMBEK, who does not have the right to be a founder because of his civil service. | 03.05.2006 | 060540002798 | Activities in the field of architecture, with the exception of nuclear facilities and nuclear energy (71112) | Mangystau region, AKTAU G.A., G. AKTAU, MICRODAYON 13, D. 49, KV. 18 (471010000) | Shermagan-beta’s nephews |
47. | ORDA STROY INVEST LLP (bankrupt since 2020; debts in taxes and customs payments in the amount of 88,541,440 tenge) | ABDREIMOV ABDULAZIZ ZHAKATOVICH | SHERMAGANBETOV NIZAMIDIN; here, too, the second founder is the mysterious “ZINABDINOVICH” | 01.07.2003 | 030740006029 | Construction of residential buildings (41201) | Mangystau region, GA AKTAU, AKTAU city, MICRODAYON 23, BUILDING No. 100, SQ. No. 13-1 (471010000) | Shermagan-beta’s nephews |
48. | NGO “ART-LIFE” | ZHANBYRBAEVA ANAR ASANOVNA | SHERMAGANBETOV NIZAMIDIN; SHERMAKAMBETO-VA ALIYA ZINABDINKYZY; “ZINABDINOVICH” and other founders-individuals | 14.03.2011 | 110340009016 | Activities of other public organizations nec (94990) | Mangystau region, AKTAU G.A., AKTAU, MICRODISTRESS 14, D. 6, KV. 16 (471010000) | Shermagan-beta’s nephews |
49. | FE “SHERMAGANBE-TOV NIZAMIDIN ZINABDINOVICH” | SHERMAGANBETOV NIZAMIDIN ZINABDINOVICH | Not provided | 680519300557 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Almaty, ALMALIN DISTRICT (751110000) | Nizamidin’s nephew | |
50. | ТОО “KENTRANSSERVI-CES” | SHAYAKHMETOV DAULET KAIRATOVICH | SHERMAGANBETO-VA AIGUL ZINABDINOVNA | 18.04.2016 | 160440020258 | Freight road transport (49410) | East Kazakhstan region, Ust-Kamenogorsk G.A., Ust-Kamenogorsk, Utepova street, 25/1 (631010000) | Niece Aigul |
51. | ALASH QURYLYS QZ LLP | AITENOV PERNEKHAN BOLATOVICH | BIBIGUL ASANOVNA SERBAEVA; AYGUL ZINABDINOVNA SHERMAGANBETO-VA (she was a founder in 2013-2015, when Saparbayev worked as akim of East Kazakhstan region) | 15.07.2003 | 030740013973 | Construction of pipelines for water supply and sewerage systems (42212), other types of construction | East Kazakhstan region, Ust-Kamenogorsk G.A., Ust-Kamenogorsk, Utepova street, 25/1 (631010000) | Niece Aigul |
52. | IP “SHERMAGANBE-TOVA AIGUL ZINABDINOVNA” | SHERMAGANBETO-VA AIGUL ZINABDINOVNA | Not provided | 771128402893 | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). Has a license to issue a state mark for tractors and trailers, issue a decision to change the designated purpose of a land plot | East Kazakhstan region, UST-KAMENOGORSK G.A., UST-KAMENOGORSK (631010000) | Niece Aigul | |
53. | ASSOCIATION OF LE IN THE FORM OF ASSOCIATION BATSU CORPORATION (has debts in taxes and customs payments) | BURKUTBAYEV YERIKBAY SERIKBAEVICH; ABISHEV ISLAM ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 1999-2000, 2013-14); ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2002-2003); ABISHEVA GULMIRA ISLAMOVNA (was in 2006-11) | BATSU-PROJECT LLP; BATSU-AGRO LLP; BATSUTRA-NSGAZ LLP; JANA KZ QURYLYS LLP; BEK-KURYLYS LLP | 12.11.1999 | 991140015375 | Activities of other membership-based organizations n.e.c. (94990) | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, KAZHYMUKANSKY S.O., S. TEMIRLANOVKA, KAZHIMUKAN STREET, D. B / N (614630100) | Protege Abishev and his relatives |
54. | BATSU-ENERGOSBYT LLP (inactive since 01/13/2021) | ASHIROV BAKHYT MYRZAKHANOVICH; ABISHEV ISLAM ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 1999) | Not indicated | Not indicated | 981040007438 | Power Distribution (35130) | Turkestan region, SAYRAM DISTRICT, AKSUKENTSKY S.O., S. AKSU, STREET B BATYRA, 53 (615230100) | Stretches Abishev |
55. | TOLEBIYSK BRANCH LLP “BATSU-ENERGOSBYT” (inactive) | DON’T GIVE UP | Not provided | 21.02.2001 | 010241016129 | Sale of electricity to consumers (35140) | Turkestan region, TOLEBIYSKY DISTRICT, G. LENGER, STR. ENERGY (615820100) | Stretches Abishev |
56. | BATSU-VODOKANAL LLP (has debts in taxes and customs payments; operates at a different legal address, but this is not indicated in the corresponding register; more than 150 employees; a public procurement participant (supplier) since 11.12.2015) – 8 government contracts; supplier Samruk-Kazyna JSC) | BESENOV NURLAN ABDUKARIMOVICHABISHEVA GULMIRA ISLAMOVNA (was in 2015-2020); NALIBAEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA (was the head) | ABISHEVA GULMIRA ISLAMOVNA; ABISHEV ISLAM ALIKHANOVICH (was in 2009-15) | 07.08.2000 | 000840002183 | Manufacture of bricks, tiles and other building products from baked clay (23320). As well as the construction of non-residential buildings, with the exception of stationary trade objects of categories 1, 2. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY SO, S. BADAM, STREET Y. ALTYSARIN, 2/5 (614633100) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
57. | LLP “BATSU-SAUDA” (absent at the legal address) | ZHANGELDINA ZAMIRA MEYRBEKOVNA; NALIBAEVA ALIA KENZHEBEKOVNA (was in 2009-15) | ABISHEVA GULJMIRA ISLAMIC | 30.06.2006 | 060640006645 | Other construction work requiring special qualifications (43999) | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, KAZHYMUKANSKY S.O., S. TEMIRLANOVKA, KAZHIMUKAN STREET, D. B / N (614630100) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
59. | NUR-E LLP | NALIBAEV ESBOL AKTUREVICH | BATSU-AGRO LLP | 20.05.2003 | 030540018540 | Construction of non-residential buildings, except for stationary trade objects of categories 1, 2 (41202) | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, STREET M BAZA, D. B / N (614633100) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
60. | NUR-B LLP | NALIBAEV ESBOL AKTUREVICH | ABISHEVA GULMIRA ISLAMOVNA; NALIBAEV ESBOL AKTUREVICH | 15.04.2003 | 030440020777 | Growing of cereals and leguminous crops, including seed production (01111) | Turkestan region, ARYS G.A., MONTAITASSKY S.O., S. MONTAITAS, S. MONTAITAS, D. B / N (611645100) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
61. | NUR-A LLP | KUTTYBAEVA GULBAZAR BALTABAEVNA | NALIBAEVA SHEKER KENZHEBEKOVNA (since 2010) | 28.11.2002 | 021140008004 | Growing forage crops and their seeds (01191) | Turkestan region, KAZYGURTSKY DISTRICT, KYZYLKIYANSKY S.O., S. KYZYLKIA, STREET U.SAKHULY, D. 98 (614047300) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
62. | LLP “MEDICAL CONSULTATIVE AND DIAGNOSTIC CENTER” NEOVITA “ | ABISHEVA GULJMIRA ISLAMIC | ABISHEVA GULJMIRA ISLAMIC | 19.08.2008 | 080840010911 | Other health care activities (86900) | Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, STREET RYSKULBEKOVA, D. 2 (791310000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
63. | ZHASA SK LLP (public procurement participant (supplier) since 2014) | SULEIMENOVA KALIMA NUSKABAEVNA; NALIBAYEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA (was in 2009-14) | SULEIMENOVA KALIMA NUSKABAYEVNA; ABISHEVA GULMIRA ISLAMOVNA (was in 2006-14) | 30.06.2006 | 060640006605 | Repair and maintenance of mechanical equipment (33121). And also wholesale trade in a wide range of goods without any specification. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BURZHARSKY S.O., S. KAYNAR, STREET ORTALY BAZ, D. 3 (614637300) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
64. | IP “ABISHEVA GULMIRA ISLAMOVNA” | ABISHEVA GULJMIRA ISLAMIC | Not provided | 03.06.2005 | 790605401899 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Shymkent, ENBEKSHINSKY DISTRICT, ENBEKSHINSKY DISTRICT (791510000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
65. | BEREN LLP (previously called BATSU STROY LLP; more than 40 employees; participant (supplier) of public procurement – 4 government contracts; supplier Samruk-Kazyna JSC) | ABISHEVA GULMIRA ISLAMOVNA; ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2003-2006) | BESENOV NURLAN ABDUKARIMOVICH KENZHEBAEV AIDOS ZHAHANSHEROVICH; NALIBAEVA SHEKER KENZHEBEKOVNA (formerly in 2001-19); ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (formerly in 2005-07) | 04.09.2001 | 010940002119 | Construction of residential buildings (41201). As well as the development of gravel and sand pits. | Turkestan region, TURKESTAN G.A., TURKESTAN, S.ERUBAEV STREET, D. 225/2 (611010000) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
66. | LLP “B-CONSTRUCTION” | KENZHEBAEV AIDOS ZHAHANSHEROVICH | MOUNTAIN “BEREN” | 13.01.2021 | 210140013721 | Construction of residential buildings (41201) | Turkestan region, TURKESTAN G.A., TURKESTAN, MICRODISTRESS Zhana Kala, 16, apt. 25 (611010000) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
67. | B-SERVICE LLP | UTESHEVA AIGERIM RULANOVNA | MOUNTAIN “BEREN” | 14.01.2021 | 210140016250 | Comprehensive building maintenance services (81100) | Turkestan region, TURKESTAN G.A., TURKESTAN, MICRODISTRESS Zhana Kala, 16, apt. 25 (611010000) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
68. | KEYHOME LLP | ABILOV ZHARKYN MARATOVICH | MOUNTAIN “BEREN” | 11.02.2020 | 200240015442 | Intermediary services in the purchase, sale and lease of housing and other non-production real estate (68312) | Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, STREET MADELI KOZHA, D. 1G (791310000) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
69. | BEREN ESTATE DEVELOPMENT LLP (BEREN ED) | ISLAMOVA AYIM ISLAMKYZY; NALIBAYEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA (was the head) | MOUNTAIN “BEREN” | 11.02.2020 | 200240015521 | Other finishing work (43390) | Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, STREET MADELI KOZHA, D. 1G (791310000) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
70. | NFACTORIAL SCHOOL LLP | SULEIMENOV ARMAN ERGALIEVICH | ISLAMOVA AYYM ISLAMKYZY | 25.06.2020 | 200640029308 | Information Technology Consulting and Practical Services (62021) | Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, AVENUE DYNMUHAMED KUNAEV, D. 89 (791310000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
71. | BATSU-KUZET LLP | MOLDABEKOV NURLAN ZHAKSYLYKOVICH | NALIBAEVA SHEKER KENZHEBEKOVNA | 21.02.2001 | 010240003875 | Private security activities (80101) | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY SO, S. BADAM, STREET Y. ALTYSARINA, D. B / N (614633100) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
72. | SHARDARAENERGO LLP (inactive since 25.02.2020) | NALIBAEVA SHEKER KENZHEBEKOVNA | Not indicated | 02.06.1999 | 990640007607 | Sale of electricity (35140) | Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, STREET KAZYBEK BI, D. 19 (791310000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
73. | IP “NALIBAEVA SHEKER KENZHEBEKOVNA” | NALIBAEVA SHEKER KENZHEBEKOVNA | Not provided | 570128401206 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | Shymkent city, ABAY DISTRICT (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege | |
74. | BATSUTRANSGAS LLP | NALIBAEVA KARAKOZ KENZHEBEKOVNA; ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 1999-2000) | NALIBAEVA KARAKOZ KENZHEBEKOVNA (since 2020); NALIBAEVA SHEKER KENZHEBEKOVNA (formerly 1999-2020); ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 1999-2018) | 03.11.1999 | 991140015365 | Wholesale of products made of concrete, cement, plaster and similar materials (46733). As well as the cultivation of grain and leguminous crops, including seed production. | Shymkent, ABAY DISTRICT, STREET BAYDIBEK BI, D. 131/3 (791110000) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
75. | TOLEBIYSK BRANCH LLP “BATSUTRANSGAS” | KENZHEBAEV AIDOS ZHAHANSHEROVICH | Not provided | 20.02.2003 | 030241018298 | Other retail trade in specialized stores, which are trade facilities, with a sales area of less than 2,000 sq. m (47789) | Turkestan region, TOLEBIYSKY DISTRICT, LENGER, STREET ENERGETIKOV, D. B / N (615820100) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
76. | MAHTAARAL BRANCH TOO BATSUTRANSGAS | KENZHEBAEV AIDOS ZHAHANSHEROVICH | Not provided | 27.11.2003 | 031141014839 | Distribution of gaseous fuels through pipelines (35220) | Turkestan region, ZHETYSAY DISTRICT, ZHETYSAY, STREET YASSAVI, D. 69 (613820100) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
77. | IP “NALIBAEVA KK” (NALIBAEVA KARAKOZ KENZHEBEKOVNA) | NALIBAEVA KARAKOZ KENZHEBEKOVNA | Not provided | Wholesale of products made of concrete, cement, plaster and similar materials (46733). As well as the provision of other individual services not included in other groups. | Shymkent city, ABAY DISTRICT (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege | ||
78. | ТОО “CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL” | ISLAM MADINA | ISLAM MADINA | 10.03.2021 | 210340012007 | Activities in the field of engineering and technical design, with the exception of nuclear facilities and nuclear energy (71121) | Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, STREET MADELI KOZHA, D. 1G (791310000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
79. | LLP “BATSU-PROJECT” (formerly called “BATSU TORG”) | ISLAM MADINA | ZHUNUS SYMBAT DAULETOVNA (from 2020); NALIBAYEVA SHEKER KENZHEBEKOVNA (was in 1999-20); ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 1999-2007) | 16.09.1999 | 990940007132 | Distribution of gaseous fuels through pipelines (35220) | Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, STREET MADELI KOZHA, D. 1G (791310000) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
80. | SHARDARIN BRANCH BATSU TORG LLP | KENZHEBAEV AIDOS ZHAHANSHEROVICH | Not provided | 04.05.2000 | 000541008404 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Turkestan region, SHARDARIN DISTRICT, SHARDARA, STREET UALIKHANOVA, D. 36/3 (616420100) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
81. | SAYRAM BRANCH LLP “BATSU-TORG” | ORAZBAEVA TOLKYNAI KURALBEKOVNA | Not provided | 17.10.2000 | 001041012477 | Distribution of gaseous fuels through pipelines (35220) | Turkestan region, SAYRAM DISTRICT, AKSUKENTSKY S.O., S. AKSU, STREET GAZOVAYA, D. 3 (615230100) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
82. | “COMPUTER CENTER” MADINA “LLP | ISLAM ERSEIT | ISLAM ERSEIT; NALIBAYEVA SHEKER KENZHEBEKOVNA (was the founder) | 30.05.2001 | 010540009101 | Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment (26200) | Shymkent, ABAY DISTRICT, STREET BAYDIBEK BI, D. 131/3 (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
83. | FE “ABISHEVA BAYAN ISLAMOVNA” (inactive since 04/22/2021; there was a debt for 1 enforcement proceedings in the amount of 35.2 million tenge; a ban was imposed on the performance of notarial actions, the seizure of property and bank accounts) | ABISHEVA BAYAN ISLAMOVNA | Not provided | 12.12.2005 | 861006400961 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, STREET MADELIKOZHA (791310000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
84. | ALFA PLUS LLP (more than 50 employees; public procurement participant (supplier) since 2014 – 549 government contracts; supplier Samruk-Kazyna JSC) | NALIBAEV ALIBEK KENZHEBEKOVICH | NALIBAEV ALIBEK KENZHEBEKOVICH | 31.03.2000 | 000340000773 | Manufacture of other furniture (31090). And also the production of computers and peripheral equipment, wholesale of other office machines and equipment, wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification. | г. Almaty, ZHETYSSKY DISTRICT, KAZYBAEVA STREET, 3 (751510000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
85. | ALFASTOCK LLP | NALIBAEV ALIBEK KENZHEBEKOVICH | NALIBAEV ALIBEK KENZHEBEKOVICH | 15.02.2018 | 180240020703 | Provision of other individual services not included in other categories (96090) | г. Almaty, ZHETYSSKY DISTRICT, KAZYBAEVA STREET, 40 (751510000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
86. | AROMEBEL LLP | ASKAROV VALIKHAN ABDRASHOVICH | NALIBAEV ALIBEK KENZHEBEKOVICH | 17.09.2020 | 200940021968 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | г. Almaty, ZHETYSSKY DISTRICT, KAZYBAEVA STREET, 40 (751510000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
87. | KALIZHAN I K LLP (inactive since 25.02.2020) | NALIBAEV KALIMZHAN KENZHEBEKOVICH | Not indicated | 26.09.2003 | 030940012106 | Hunting and trapping, including the provision of services in these areas (01700) | Shymkent, ABAY DISTRICT, STR. Akhmetov, 4 (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
88. | KH “NALIBAYEV KALIZHAN” (probably inactive) | NALIBAYEV KALIMZHAN KENZHEBEKOVICH; ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was a worker in 1992-93) | Not provided | Relatives of Abishev’s protege | ||||
89. | LLP “ADVALOREM KUNGASAY” (supplier of JSC “Samruk-Kazyna”) | NALIBAEVA BALZHAN KALIZHANOVNA | NALIBAEVA BALZHAN KALIZHANOVNA | 19.09.2018 | 180940023650 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | г. Almaty, ALMALIN DISTRICT, KAZYBEK BI STREET, 50 (751110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
90. | LLP “BUSINESS CENTER ESCO” (absent at the legal address; participant in public procurement (supplier) since 2012) | NALIBAEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA | NALIBAEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA | 13.09.2007 | 070940012414 | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). And also wholesale trade in a wide range of goods without any specification. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, ALTYSARIN STREET, D. 2 (614633100) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
91. | LLP “PROMVENTSIS-TEMTRANS” (inactive) | ALTYNAI ZHETYBASOVA TO TANYRBERGENOV | NALIBAEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA; KOZHAKHMETOV HASENKHAN KABYLKANOVICH | 14.07.2005 | 050740004610 | Freight forwarding services (52291) | г. Almaty, BOSTANDYSKY DISTRICT, ZHAROKOVA STREET, 223/1, KV. 5 (751410000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
92. | BARS-KRYLYS LLP (public procurement participant (supplier) since 2019) | KENZHEBAEV AIDOS ZHAHANSHEROVICH; NALIBAEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA (was in 2006-09) | KENZHEBAEV AIDOS ZHAHANSHEROVICH; NALIBAEVA ALIA KENZHEBEKOVNA (was in 2006-10) | 16.06.2006 | 060640006625 | Other construction work requiring special qualifications (43999) | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, STREET MAMETOVA, D. 69 (614633100) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
93. | BADAM-KUM LTD LLP | ABDYKAIR KANAT ABDRAZAKOVICH; NALIBAYEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA (formerly in 2013); ABISHEV TALANT ALMAKHANOVICH (formerly in 2013-15) | ABISHEV ALMAT TURSINGALIE-HIV; NALIBAYEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA (was in 2007-13); ABISHEV TALANT ALMAKHANULY (was in 2013-15) | 13.09.2007 | 070940012424 | Construction of residential buildings (41201) | Shymkent, ABAY DISTRICT, STREET MADEELI KOZHA, D. 1G (791110000) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
94. | LLP “ATORKYN” (inactive, declared bankrupt by the court; debts in taxes and customs payments 69.5 million tenge.) | RAKHMANKULOV GALYMZHAN AZAMATOVICH; NALIBAEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA (was in 2007-15) | RAKHMANKULOV GALYMZHAN AZAMATOVICH; MEDETBEKOV ILYAS AHMETKALIEVICH; NALIBAEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA (was in 2007-15) | 13.09.2007 | 070940014361 | Construction of residential buildings (41201). And also wholesale trade in a wide range of goods without any specification. | Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT, STREET SHAKHTERSKAYA, 7, SQ. 3 (751410000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
95. | IP “NALIBAEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA” | NALIBAEVA ALIYA KENZHEBEKOVNA | Not provided | Wholesale trade in a wide range of goods without any specification (46909). As well as other retail sale in non-specialized stores. | г. Shymkent, KARATAUSKI DISTRICT (791710000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege | ||
96. | “PRODUCTION CENTER” MURAGER “LLP (public procurement participant (supplier) since 2009) | ABISHEV ERALKHAN ALMAKHANOVICH | ABISHEV ERALKHAN ALMAKHANOVICH | 14.03.2007 | 070340011731 | Other leisure and entertainment activities (93299) | Almaty, ALMALINSKY DISTRICT, STREET MAKATAEVA, 156, KV. 15 (751110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
97. | REPUBLICAN PA “KAZAKHSTAN SOCIETY FOR MANAGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS” | MEYRAMBEK BESBAEV ABILASHIMOVICH | ABISHEV ERALKHAN ALMAKHANOVICH and 15 other founders-individuals | 04.06.2008 | 080640003624 | Activities of other membership-based organizations n.e.c. (94990) | г. Almaty, ALMALIN DISTRICT, ABYLAY HANA AVENUE, 105 (751110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
98. | LLP “M.B.A. STROYSERVICE HOLDING “ | ABISHEV JANDOS ERALKHANOVICH | ABISHEV JANDOS ERALKHANOVICH; BOKEI LLP | 01.02.2011 | 110240000128 | Construction of non-residential buildings, except for stationary trade objects of categories 1, 2 (41202) As well as the production of precast concrete and concrete structures and products, the construction of power transmission lines and telecommunications. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, KVARTAL 029, 1228 (614633100) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
99. | MADEN KOMERTS LLP | ABISHEV JANDOS ERALKHANOVICH | ABISHEV JANDOS ERALKHANOVICH | 31.03.2011 | 110340022003 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | г. Shymkent, ABAYSKY DISTRICT, MICRO-DISTRICT YNTYMAK, D. 25A (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
100 | IP “ABIŠEV” (ABIŠEV ŽANDOS ERALHANOVIČ) | ABISHEV JANDOS ERALKHANOVICH | Not provided | 850827302326 | Other types of catering, not included in other groups (56299). As well as maintenance and repair of cars, retail trade in spare parts and accessories for cars. | Shymkent city, ABAY DISTRICT (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege | |
101 | LLP “BOKEI” (formerly called LLP “AGRO-V”) | ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2003-05) | ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH; ABISHEV ZHANDOS ERALKHANOVICH (was in 2020) | 23.01.2003 | 030140004176 | Production of bricks, tiles and other building products from baked clay (23320) As well as the production of plastic products used in construction, construction of pipelines and power lines, telecommunications. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, KVARTAL 029, D. 1228 (614633100) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
102 | KOMBI-STROY-I LLP | MUTALIEV MADEN KENESOVICH | ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH | 27.01.2003 | 030140000622 | Construction of pipelines for water supply and sewerage systems (42212). As well as growing vegetables, their seeds and seedlings. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, KVARTAL 029, 1228 (614633100) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
103 | LLP “BURTE MILKA” (has debts in taxes and customs payments) | ABISHEV BOKEYKHAN NURALIEVICH; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2005-10); ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2015-21) | MUTALIEVA GULNARA LESBEKOVNA; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2003-10); ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2003-05) | 04.06.2003 | 030640009367 | Breeding of dairy cattle (01410). And also the cultivation of forage crops and their seeds, milk processing, except for canning, the production of cheese and ice cream. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, KVARTAL 029, D. 1581 (614633100) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
104 | PC “NURALY AND COMPANY” (inactive since 25.02.2020) | ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH | Not indicated | 26.08.1998 | 980840013706 | Growing of cereals and leguminous crops, including seed production (01111) | Shymkent, ABAY DISTRICT, STR. GAGARINA, 20 (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
105 | TAYBURYL NK LLP | ATABAEVA AIGUL ZHAMBYLKYZY | ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH | 02.11.2015 | 151140000626 | Mixed farming (01500) | Karaganda region, OSAKAROVSKY DISTRICT, SHIDERTINSKY SO, S. SHIDERTY, OZERNAYA STREET, 5, apt. 2 (355689100) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
106 | ORDABEK LLP (has debts in taxes and customs payments) | ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH; ABISHEV TALANT ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2018-21) | SAFAROVA MUKHAYYO KHABIBULLAEVNA | 22.04.1998 | 040440015722 | Growing of oilseeds and their seeds (01112). And also breeding of other cattle and buffaloes, wholesale of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, STREET A. SHERIMKULOV, 3 (614633100) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
107 | TALANT-LOGAS LLP | AMANKHOZHA ALIKHAN ALHOZHAEVICH; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2012-21) | AMANKHOZHA ALIKHAN ALHOZHAEVICH; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2012-21) | 14.02.2012 | 120240011581 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | г. Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, PEACE STREET, D. 6, KV. 9 (791310000) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
108 | AGRO-NK-5 LLP | BAKADUROV TOLEGEN KUANYSHOVICH; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2005-2014, 2017-19); ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2004-05) | SAFAROV KHAETILLA KHABIBULLAEVICH; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2004-14, 2017-21); ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2004-05) | 23.08.2004 | 040840006956 | Cultivation of forage crops and their seeds (01191). As well as horse breeding, wholesale trade in a wide range of goods without any specification. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, STREET A. SHERIMKULOV, 3/1 (614633100) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
109 | AGRO-NK-A LLP | BAKADUROV TOLEGEN KUANYSHOVICH; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (formerly in 2012-14, 2017-19) ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (formerly in 2004-12) | SAFAROV KHAETILLA KHABIBULLAEVICH; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2004-14, 2017-21); ABISHOV NURALY ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2004-12) | 21.12.2004 | 041240011349 | Cultivation of forage crops and their seeds (01191). And also horse breeding. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, STREET A. SHERIMKULOV, 3/1 (614633100) | Relatives of Abishev’s protege |
110 | MUHAYE LLP | BAKADUROV TOLEGEN KUANYSHOVICH; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2004-10, 2017-21) | Safarov Khaetilla Khabibullayevich; ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2017-21) | 30.01.2004 | 040140009648 | Cultivation of forage crops and their seeds (01191). And also horse breeding. | Turkestan region, ORDABASY DISTRICT, BADAMSKY S.O., S. BADAM, STREET A. SHERIMKULOV, 3/1 (614633100) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
111 | IP “ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH” | ABISHOV KANYBEK ALMAKHANOVICH | Not provided | 721221300639 | Provision of other individual services not included in other groups (96090). As well as concert activities and other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment. | Shymkent city, ABAY DISTRICT (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege | |
112 | TALENT-CAPITAL LLP | DAULBAYEV BAUYRZHAN ASANOVICH; ABISHEV TALANT ALMAKHANOVICH (was in 2012-21) | ABISHEV TALANT ALMAKHANOVICH | 18.05.2012 | 120540012075 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | Shymkent, ABAY DISTRICT, KATYN KOPR MICRODISTRY, 104B SYPYRGAN ATA STREET (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
113 | IP “ABISHEV TA” (ABISHEV TALANT ALMAKHANOVICH) | ABISHEV TALANT ALMAKHANOVICH | Not provided | 791117302375 | Restaurants and food delivery services, excluding roadside facilities (56101) | Shymkent city, ABAY DISTRICT (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege | |
114 | COMFORT-1 LLP | JAKSYBAEV BAKHYT KALMURZAEVICH | JAKSYBAEV BAKHYT KALMURZAEVICH | 27.10.2014 | 141040024700 | Wholesale trade in a wide range of goods without any specification (46909). as well as lease and management of own real estate, lease (sublease) and operation of rented real estate. | Astana, SARYARKA DISTRICT, STREET C 743, D. 1 (711310000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
115 | MALIS PROM LLP | JAKSYBAEV BAKHYT KALMURZAEVICH | JAKSYBAEV BAKHYT KALMURZAEVICH | 12.05.2020 | 200540004973 | Cement production, including clinkers (23510) | г. Astana, DISTRICT ALMATY, STREET Shamshi Kaldayakov, 2/2, apt. 88 (711110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
116 | ТОО «CHEECHAKO» | ERGAZIEV ASET MURATOVICH | ZHAKSYBAEV BAKHYT KALMURZAEVICH; ERGAZIEV ASET MURATOVICH | 28.01.2020 | 200140032944 | Mining of precious metals and rare metal ores (07298) | г. Almaty, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT, EGIZBAEVA STREET, 7/9 (751410000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
117 | CHU “YASLI-GARDEN” BURA “ | DZHAKSIBAEVA KULDARKUL ZHELEUBAEVNA | DZHAKSIBAEVA KULDARKUL ZHELEUBAEVNA | 30.09.2002 | 020940003505 | Preschool education (85100). Primary education (1st level) | г. Shymkent, AL-FARABIY DISTRICT, PEACE STREET, D. 20A (791310000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
118 | COMBINATION OF YUL “PEDAGOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF EMPLOYEES OF EDUCATION G. SHYMKENT “KIND CARE” | ZHUZBAEVA DIAL | CHU “YASLI-GARDEN” BURA “; CHU” COMPLEX SCHOOL YASLI GARDEN “ZHULDYZ No. 1” | 07.02.2019 | 190240009116 | Activities of other membership-based organizations n.e.c. (94990) | Shymkent city, ABAY DISTRICT, MICRO-DISTRICT 3, 41 (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
119 | LLP “PRESCHOOL MINI-CENTER” MALIKA “ | DZHAKSIBAEVA KULDARKUL ZHELEUBAEVNA | DZHAKSIBAEVA KULDARKUL ZHELEUBAEVNA | 30.10.2013 | 131040027099 | Early childhood education (85100) | Shymkent, ABAY DISTRICT, STREET BAYDIBEK BI, D. 90A (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege |
120 | IP “JAKSIBAEVA” (JAKSIBAEVA KULDARKUL ZHELEUBAEVNA) | DZHAKSIBAEVA KULDARKUL ZHELEUBAEVNA | Not provided | 570921400972 | Provision of other individual services not included in other groups (96090). As well as the rental and management of your own real estate. | Shymkent city, ABAY DISTRICT (791110000) | A relative of Abishev’s protege | |
121 | IP “SARTAEVA GAVKHAR PULATOVNA” | SARTAEVA GAVKHAR PULATOVNA | Not provided | 750604403258 | Other retail sale in non-specialized stores (47191) | Astana city, ALMATY DISTRICT (711110000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege | |
122 | DATACOM LTD. LLP (inactive since 05.06.2020) | SARTAEV AHMED PULATOVICH | SARTAEV AHMED PULATOVICH | 29.12.2003 | 031240016972 | Other wired telecommunications (61109) | г. Astana, DISTRICT ALMATY, AVYLAY HANA AVENUE, 7/3, KV. 4 (711110000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege |
123 | TOO “ZELENY BOR LTD” | SARTAEV AHMED PULATOVICH | SARTAEV AHMED PULATOVICH | 20.04.2005 | 050440013659 | Bread production; production of fresh flour confectionery products of short storage (10710) | Astana , ALMATY DISTRICT, KAZHIMUKAN STREET, 10 (711110000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege |
124 | SYSTEM-100 LLP | SARTAEV AHMED PULATOVICH | TULANOVA AKMARAL VAKHABOVNA | 10.06.2013 | 130640006998 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Astana, DISTRICT ALMATY, KAZHYMUKAN STREET, 8 (711110000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege |
125 | LLP “VILGUD ASTANA” (participant of public procurement from the day of foundation) | SARTAEV AHMED PULATOVICH | SARTAEV AHMED PULATOVICH | 04.07.2016 | 160740001837 | Maintenance and repair of cars, except for those produced by service stations located on the roadside (45201) | Astana city, ALMATY DISTRICT, RESIDENTIAL MASSIVE SOUTH-EAST (RIGHT SIDE), STREET TARLAN 12 (711110000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege |
126 | TOO “TEHCENTR VILGUD” | SARTAEV AHMED PULATOVICH | SARTAEV AHMED PULATOVICH | 02.09.2020 | 200940003157 | Maintenance and repair of cars by roadside service stations (45202) | Astana city, ALMATY DISTRICT, RESIDENTIAL ARRAY SOUTH-EAST (RIGHT SIDE), TARLAN, 12 (711110000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege |
127 | LLP “TURKISTAN SAUDA-2005” (a participant in public procurement since 2007, when Sartaev began to lead it) | ISAEV SHUKHRAT MAMETOVICH; SARTAEV AHMED PULATOVICH (was in 2007-18) | SOPBEKOV NURYMZHAN ZHANKYNBEKOVICH | 12.09.2005 | 050940000477 | Renting and operating own real estate (68201) | г. Astana, ALMATY DISTRICT, KAZHYMUKAN STREET, 10 (711110000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege |
128 | MOUNTAIN “TURGUSUN-1” | BAYMUKHANBETOV KALAUBEK ESENBEKOVICH | TURKESTAN TRADE LLP 2005 ; BEKTUROV GABBAS KHAMZIEVICH (Shurin Akhmetova DANIALA KENZHETAEVICHA); ECO ENERGY LLP ( son of AHMETOVA – TALGATA DANIALOVICH A); DZHAMALUDINOV ARSEN GADZHIEVICH; ABISHEV KANAT ORAZOVICH | 10.07.2012 | 120740005077 | Hydroelectric power generation (35112) | East Kazakhstan region, ALTAI DISTRICT, G.A. ALTAI, ALTAI, STREET ZHAKSYBAEVA, 32, APT. 15, Administrative building “Altai” (634820100) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege; Danial Akhmetov’s son and his sister’s husband |
129 | BATSU-RECREATION ZONE LLP | ISAEV SHUHRAT MAMETOVICH | TURKESTAN TRADE LLP 2005 | 12.08.2005 | 050840018991 | Accommodation for weekends and other short-term stays (55,200) | г. Astana, ALMATY DISTRICT, KAZHYMUKAN STREET, 8A (711110000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege |
130 | TOO “EDAN” (public procurement participant from the day of foundation, supplier “Samruk-Kazyna”) | SARTAEVA ELMIRA PULATOVNA | SARTAEVA ELMIRA PULATOVNA | 19.12.2018 | 181240016378 | Wholesale of a wide range of goods without any specification (46909) | г. Astana, ESIL DISTRICT, STREET 38, D. 26, KV. 54 (711210000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege |
131 | ARBITRAGE OF KAZAKHSTAN LLP | DYUSEBAEV ERBOL ASHIMKHANOVICH | SARTAEVA GULBAHOR PULATOVNA; SARBASOVA URDANA PAHEROVNA; DYUSEBAEV ERBOL ASHIMKHANOVICH | 04.11.2019 | 191140002871 | Other activities in the field of law (69109) | Almaty region, Microdistrict 7, D. 13, KV. 26 (191010000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege |
132 | FE “ALMA” (SARTAEVA GULBAKHOR PULATOVNA) (participant of public procurement since 2007, supplier of JSC “Samruk-Kazyna”) | SARTAEVA GULBAHOR PULATOVNA | Not provided | 780119450259 | Other retail trade in food products in specialized stores, which are trade objects, with a sales area of less than 2,000 sq. m (47291); has a license for notarial activities No. 12019354 dated 12.24.2012 | г. Astana, ESIL DISTRICT (711210000) | A relative of Ispanov’s protege | |
133 | IP “ABDENOVA RAISA AIDARKHANOVNA” | ABDENOVA RAISA AIDARKHANOVNA | Not provided | Rent and management of own real estate (68201). And also the cultivation of forage crops and their seeds. | Astana city, ALMATY DISTRICT (711110000) | A relative of Abdenov’s protege | ||
134 | ASTANA DEMEU SERVICE LLP | ZHUNUSOVA GULMIRA SAKBALDIEVNA | ZHUNUSOVA GULMIRA SAKBALDIEVNA | 05.09.2012 | 120940002308 | Maintenance and repair of cars, except for those produced by service stations located on the roadside (45201) | Astana, ALMATY DISTRICT, MUSTAFIN STREET, 15, SQ. 234 (711110000) | A relative of Abdenov’s protege |
135 | SP “ABDENOV MAKSUT SAKBOLDINOVICH” | ABDENOV MAKSUT SAKBOLDINOVICH | Not provided | Provision of other individual services not included in other groups (96090). As well as non-specialized wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco products. | г. Astana, ESIL DISTRICT (711210000) | Relative of the protege of Abdenov |
T A B L E No. 3
List of assets and enterprises of Saparbayev’s family and their denominations in Kyzylorda and Zhanakorgan region
(source: )
№п / п | Object or enterprise |
1. | TC “Aray City Mall” with parking for 416 cars (area 20 thousand sq. M; commissioned in 2018) |
2. | Night club “Aray” |
3. | Restaurant “Aray” for 240 visitors |
4. | Villa (mini-hotel) “Aray” for 22 persons |
5. | Arai Spa Center |
6. | “Arai Aquapark” |
7. | Restaurant “Cheese Wind” |
8. | Restaurant “Ak niet” |
9. | Restaurant “Bibek” (in Zhanakorgan) |
10. | Private network of kindergartens in Kyzylorda and Zhanakorgan region |
11. | LLP “NEFTTRANS-KYZYLORDA” (wholesale of diesel fuel; founder Malika Syzdykova, head Nurymzhan Sopbekov; since 2013 – participant in government procurement, 9 government contracts, supplier Samruk-Kazyna JSC, has debts in taxes and customs payments) |
12. | Gas station network in Kyzylorda |
13. | Zhagakorgan Oil LLP (retail trade in motor fuel in specialized stores; head and founder Gulbazar Nurzalieva; has 667 government contracts, supplier Samruk-Kazyna JSC) |
14. | LLP “Koktem” (rent and management of own real estate; the founder is Yrais Naldibek, the head is Nurymzhan Sopbekov; the company is the founder of LLP “SHYKYS DOSTYK LTD IK” (BIN 050640013696) and LLP “BATSU-DEMALYS AYMAKY” (050840018991) |
15. | MIA SHIELI LLP (production of basic pharmaceutical products; owns 1000 hectares of land; founders Beisen Kydyrbai and Nurmakhan Onlasbekov, head Madina Mukhanbetova; has debts in taxes and customs payments) |
16. | In the Ippodrom microdistrict, they own 10 cottages, each built for 37 million tenge |
17. | Sanatorium “Ak Shuak” LLP “ZHANAKORGAN AK SHUAK” (founder of LLC ” Shanyrak Shuagy” (director Batyrbek Nalibayev), head Batyrbek Nalibayev) |
18. | Zhanakorgan Gas LLP (retail trade in specialized stores, retail trade in fuel; founder Alibek Nalibayev, head Almasbek Daurenbekov) |
19. | City beach “Syr Samaly” |
20. | Ak Niet Supermarket |
21. | Billiard club “Ak niet” |
Social network:
Saparbaeva Aybota
Abdymomunov Nurzhan
Saparbayev Zhansultan
Pazylbek Nalibaev
Alibek Nalibaev
Bakytzhan Nalibaev
Nalibaeva Aizat
Mashbekova Asylzat
Nalibaev Azimbek
Dzholdasbekov Arsen Azamatovich
Shermaganbet Meirambek Zinabdinovich
Shermaganbetova Korkem Zinabdinovna
Shermaganbetova Aigul Zinabdinovna FB: VK: OK:
Shermaganbet (Shermaganbetova) Aliya Zinabdinovna
Ispanov Ilyas Saparbekovich
Azimbek Pazylbekovich Nalibaev
Gulmira Abisheva
Bayan Abisheva
Karlygash Abdenova ;
Aruna Abdenova
Maksut Abdenov
Elmira Abdenova ;
Photos of young Saparbayev and brothers: