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ROP LLP received a billion dollars in three years. And every year this private company, which belongs to Aliya Nazarbayeva, pulls out “about 150 billion tenge” from the country’s economy.

This is “a serious hole in our economy,” said the president of the Baitak Bolashak Environmental Alliance, Azamatkhan Amirtai, during a meeting between President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and members of the National Council of Public Trust.
About how all this is connected with the youngest daughter of Nursulatan Nazarbayev Aliya writes KZ.MEDIA and other media.
What kind of ROP LLP is this?
This is a private structure that collects recycling fees – for vehicles, tires, batteries, oils and special fluids, for any packaging (paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, metal), electrical and electronic equipment (household appliances, electronics, batteries, mercury-containing lamps) …
This year, at the height of the sowing campaign in Kazkhstan, a utilization fee for agricultural machinery was almost introduced, and only thanks to protests from agricultural producers, its introduction was postponed until November.
Collecting money on behalf of the state, this company is not limited in spending and regulations working for government agencies and state-owned companies. While not public, it is not required to disclose its accounts. According to insiders, the LLP is controlled by Elbasy’s daughter Aliya Nazarbayev .
To make it clear what ROP makes money on, let us quote Azamatkhan Amirtai, fragments of whose speech were published by KazTAG:
“ROP LLP receives 37 tenge from one tire – a utilization fee. How does the ROP spend them? About 7 tenge – for their operating expenses. For life, tea , tea , bread with caviar. By the way, in world practice, the state deals with such issues, and such expenses do not exist at all. About 26.5 tenge (70% of the total amount) – transportation costs. On Teslah, what is being transported? Or is it just easier to write off amounts through services? And only, approximately, 3.5 tenge – directly for the processing itself. Here it is – super-accurate help for the main recycling article. “
Moreover, the company’s activities seriously harm the work of the tire recycling plant in Nur-Sultan, because before the appearance of the ROP, the collection points for tires themselves brought raw materials to the plant, and now they have stopped.
“The assemblers stopped importing raw materials on their own, as the ROP began to collect these tires for recycling. Accordingly, the tire recycling plant now had to buy and transport tires on its own. This has increased the cost. The plant expected from EPR 120 million tenge for recycled and independently transported tires for the period 2016-2017. But the plant did not receive this money ”.
As a result, since the plant was built on credit money, he had nothing to pay the bills with, and he stopped working.
“Today, by the decision of the Supreme Court, everything has been taken from the owners – the plant, equipment, building, land. The shareholders were made debtors. The plant, which worked properly, created jobs, recycled tires, and exported recycled waste from Kazakhstan, was simply killed. “
According to Amirtai, “only this small but sad example can be used to see how the ROP works”.
And one more calculation from Azamatkhan Amirtai:
“In Kazakhstan, with a population of 18 million people, ROP LLP collected about $ 400 million in 2018 alone. The figure is, to put it mildly, monstrous. “
According to him, in Russia, where 147 million people live, in 2018, recycling fees “amounted to $ 30 million.”
The members of the NSOD proposed to Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev to nationalize ROP LLP and transfer it to the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
What’s next?
Operator ROP LLP, which has a monopoly on the collection of recycling fees from almost everything – from cars and tires, to household appliances and all types of packaging – began urgently to clean up electronic archives. This write channel-Telegram.
“On the website of the operator company there is a warning about technical work and the need to save documents on the completeness of payment, and other actions.
By a strange coincidence, this happened immediately after the discussion of the activities of this private structure, owned by the youngest daughter of Elbasy Aliya Nazarbayeva, flared up with renewed vigor in social networks.
It is interesting that the official website of the president, controlled by the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Darkhan Kaletaev, censored information about this meeting, giving only “general wording”.
The media controlled by Dariga Nazarbayeva, as well as the media censored by Dauren Abaev, did not write anything about the essence of the conversation between Amirtayev and Tokayev, highlighting only the issues raised by Shuraev and Sarym.
The “information blockade” was corrected by numerous friends and associates of Amirtaev, in social networks they disseminated the true content of the conversation between Amirtayev and Tokayev, and the only media outlet that published its content was the KazTAG agency.
Operator ROP LLP, owned by Elbasy’s youngest daughter Aliya Nazarbayeva, received state functions to collect the utilization fee, of which he appropriates the lion’s share (more than 90%), writing off to expenses – this is what Azamatkhan Amirtayev told Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev about.
The information was transmitted directly to the president and at an official reception (which is necessarily recorded and then the presidential administration is obliged to give some reaction to the information received, they say that a copy of the protocol was transferred from Akorda to the “library” on the same day), and was also announced an astronomical amount of theft.
This is what caused the “urgent technical work” on the servers of Operator ROP LLP, as a result of which, according to the company’s warning, payment data may be lost. The security forces are unlikely to descend upon Aliya Nazarbayeva, but it is better to clean up the archives, ”the publication says.
According to media reports, the official website of the company does not contain any information about its founders, management, and so on. But according to , initially the participants of Operator ROP LLP are an individual – a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan Shynar Muktarova and a legal entity – Eco Waste Solutions LLP, the only participant in which is the same Shynar Muktarova. Registration date – September 7, 2015.
Interestingly, on June 14, 2017, the enterprise was re-registered and a certain Korotenko Svitlana became its first head. But at the same time, the date of the initial registration is already on November 30, 2015.
The company is not very active in the public space either. As the Kazakh media reported, it is impossible to obtain information on the funds received, the number of certificates issued, and even more so – the expenditure of funds from received payments (it was assumed that they should be directed to environmental measures).
In recent years, Aliya has shown a special interest in environmental issues, at public events she appears as the chairman of the presidium of the association of environmental organizations, head of the Board of Trustees of the International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects.
She also co-authored the textbook “Ecology and Sustainable Development” for grades 10-11, the elective course “Environmental Culture” for grades 6-7, educational and development complex “Green Planet of Childhood” for children of preschool and primary school ages.
By K-News